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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 27
heh. RT @Slate: Fun fact– Every date this week is a palindrome: slate.me/1gWfGtf
Ozh’ Tweet Archiver 2.0 is here – wordpress.org/plugins/ozh-tw…
It was a rather nice week-end pic.twitter.com/AcfTKWV2cs
I think version 2.0 of my Tweet Archiver for WordPress is complete planetozh.com/tweets/ #yay
Must #FF for web designers, freelancers and startups – great curated feed @MetalPotatoUK *ad
RT @julienPauli: Windows binaries for PHP have been updated on windows.php.net with the heartbleed patch applied to bundled OpenSSL …
@Elise_Andrew thought you might like this: Tautological graph jasonkatzenstein.tumblr.com/post/801827517… #IFLS
Let’s try to pretend I’m not holding my breath waiting for someone to review the WordPress patch I’ve just filed… dum dum dudum…
I’m *this close* to convince my brain and body that 6 hours of sleep is enough for them. #bleh
If you were a user of my Tweet Archiver plugin for #WordPress, you’ll love this: github.com/ozh/ozh-tweet-…
Zombicide fan? Bookmark this one: zombicide-missions.com
@Chronodrive les gars, faut faire un truc de ce genre, et vite: fresh.amazon.com/dash
Lesson of the day: don’t plan to migrate a WP plugin from SVN to Git if you have less than 3 hours in front of you.
I think it would have made much more sense if wp-config.php was in the user directory (eg wp-content) instead of root. Just sayin.
Movie makers: please stop with the 2+ hours movies. I’m too tired at the end of the day to watch them. 1h30 is fine. 1h40 is perfect.
@universite_num vos mails: aucun lien “unsubscribe”, aucun lien vers le site… 100% inutile. Comment on se désinscrit SVP?
Starting now and for the next 36 hours (to accommodate world timezones) I won’t believe anything I’ll read on the intarwebs. DONT EVEN TRY.
RT @yourls: Struggling with spam in YOURLS? Plugin “Google Safe Browsing” may help github.com/YOURLS/google-…
Composer is handy and all, but, seriously, PSR autoload paths like “vendor/symfony/finder/Symfony/Component/Finder/Finder.php” are stupid.
Who said Git was difficult? justinhileman.info/article/git-pr…