Tweet Archive for March 2016

@CapitalStep heh :) Anyway, no idea, never touched reCaptcha’s code

in reply to CapitalStep — 5:11am Mar 31 2016 —

@CapitalStep dude you’re… replying to a *6 year old tweet* ??? :)

in reply to CapitalStep — 5:36pm Mar 30 2016 —

@s0ixante y’a aussi cette allégorie là, mais à divers égards c’est moins mignon

in reply to s0ixante — 5:25pm Mar 29 2016 —

@Scott_Helme Very neat article, plus your yourls-index theme is better than the one you forked it from, so I’ll link it on yourls readme :)

in reply to Scott_Helme — 4:29pm Mar 28 2016 —

Héhé,keeping this link in mind, could be handy someday: UTF-8 Encoding Debugging Chart…

11:32am Mar 26 2016 —

@nimeck… seemed to be mostly efficient, errors are less often

in reply to nimeck — 10:44pm Mar 25 2016 —

@adamdehaven done!

in reply to adamdehaven — 9:48pm Mar 23 2016 —

RT @adamdehaven: I have decided to release the code for ‘ShortTail for YOURLS’ on GitHub under the MIT License @yourls @ozh #yourls https:/…

8:20pm Mar 23 2016 —

@williamsba thanks buddy :) How’s it going? Family things in particular :)

in reply to williamsba — 5:11pm Mar 23 2016 —

@thierrypigot cinq you :)

in reply to thierrypigot — 1:29pm Mar 23 2016 —

@rmccue smartest move imho would be to get rid of SVN… I’m sure people who still have it installed have it because of WP only :/

in reply to rmccue — 7:17am Mar 22 2016 —

@rmccue Thing of the year so far to be honest. I dont get why Matt announced this 11 years ago and it still hasnt become a reality

in reply to rmccue — 7:15am Mar 22 2016 —

RT @rmccue: Wanna patch WordPress via GitHub? Do it right now:
Or read how it works:…

7:14am Mar 22 2016 —

Neat: `curl` in the console to get your nerdy weather forecast

1:48pm Mar 19 2016 —

@RealJobsWexford well, same answer as on FB: no idea, I don’t know dlvrit

in reply to RealJobsWexford — 6:04pm Mar 15 2016 —

@Ipstenu yep, just opened ticket 7237885

in reply to Ipstenu — 6:21pm Mar 13 2016 —

@Ipstenu (make that 85% even this morning… Awful)

in reply to ozh — 11:05am Mar 13 2016 —

@ipstenu since last week, on all my sites wp-admin pages return 404 50% of the time, need to refresh several times. Any idea?

10:59am Mar 13 2016 —

OMG Hilarious. Best way EVVVVER to get your socks off :)

7:40pm Mar 10 2016 —

@EMP_FRANCE Hmm, plize, ça pique les yeux là. “Payez en 2” ou “N’en payez que 2”. Cinq you :-P

in reply to EMP_FRANCE — 1:19pm Mar 9 2016 —