Tweet Archive for April 2011

@dannywhitehouse if it’s worth it & interesting to others, sure, send me the URL

in reply to dannywhitehouse — 4:33pm Apr 28 2011 —

@DolphinBrowser never subscribed + unsubscribed and didn’t work. Never mind, I now have a filter to automatically spam those now.

in reply to DolphinBrowser — 9:35am Apr 28 2011 —

@redwall_hp yeh, no wonder. It even looks terrible, that’s how I noticed they’re FB powered…

in reply to redwall_hp — 8:01pm Apr 27 2011 —

@ITGeek yeah, I noticed that when checking that news on TC

in reply to ITGeek — 7:44pm Apr 27 2011 —

I just noticed that Techcrunch is using Facebook to manage comments on their site. OMG so lame.

7:41pm Apr 27 2011 —

@SimonRobic dans mon esprit, c’est plus restreint que “blogueurs”: utilisateurs WP intéressés dans son dev ou utilisation avancée

in reply to SimonRobic — 3:46pm Apr 27 2011 —

Apéro-rencontre WordPress à #nantes? cc: @SimonRobic @wordpress_fr

3:05pm Apr 27 2011 —

@dolphinbrowser can’t unsubscribe to your spam letter even though I click the unsub link. Die, spammer.

9:17am Apr 27 2011 —

@Broodjekaas92 wow cool, a custom Firefox addon! Wish I had time to learn how to make one :)

in reply to Broodjekaas92 — 6:49pm Apr 26 2011 —

Incoming WordPress 3.1.2 RT @wpdevel: 17712: Bump

6:45pm Apr 26 2011 —

On YOURLS Blog: YOURLS and Tumblr plugins

4:55pm Apr 26 2011 —

@williamsba errm, that’s the very point of it I think: keep Paypal separate from everything! #taxevasion

in reply to williamsba — 4:21pm Apr 26 2011 —

@Azizur can’t wait for your feedback :)

in reply to Azizur — 11:18am Apr 26 2011 —

@Azizur I didn’t get any negative feedback, what where the comments about?

in reply to Azizur — 10:18am Apr 26 2011 —

Thanks for the kind words! RT @artiss_tech Professional WordPress Plugin Development – a brilliant book!

9:54am Apr 26 2011 —

@ChiefAlchemist1 if general purpose: ; if your project specific:

in reply to ChiefAlchemist1 — 6:36am Apr 26 2011 —

@ChiefAlchemist1 looking nice! The share message is a neat idea. Suggestion: random bg Vermont picture for more Vermontness :)

in reply to ChiefAlchemist1 — 5:39pm Apr 25 2011 —

RT @aaronjorbin: 8 ways to give back to the WordPress community that don’t involve writing any code :…

5:37pm Apr 25 2011 —

@snookca @aireeus opening it will bring more problem than benefits. Check

in reply to snookca — 10:42am Apr 25 2011 —

RT @snookca: For those curious, I’m running behind

10:41am Apr 25 2011 —