Tweet Archive for September 2015

@s0ixante (…) iTunes (…) est la plus grosse merde (….) ever. FTFY.

in reply to s0ixante — 6:01pm Sep 30 2015 —

@Swype hate emojis, and not all phones support them. Not an option for me :(

in reply to Swype — 9:09pm Sep 21 2015 —

@Swype I miss the quick access to the regular smiley list in latest update ;-(

2:07pm Sep 20 2015 —

@s0ixante… ? Päs vérifié, la flemme de reinstall …

in reply to s0ixante — 1:28pm Sep 19 2015 —

@s0ixante’m_a_ninja :) Pas trouvé de video par contre, dommage

in reply to s0ixante — 1:17pm Sep 19 2015 —

@s0ixante j’ai une réclamation à porter sur ta twitter bio: la citation exacte est “gad damn that was fast” “yea, im a ninja”.

8:18am Sep 19 2015 —

@DanGeek yeah, saw that, still in my “watch this” list, had no time to do so lately, will do, dunno when but will :)

in reply to DanGeek — 5:39am Sep 18 2015 —

#DSP2020 Parlons coûts: sommes nous déjà compétitif? Quels efforts a faire? (et bises a l’agence ATL)

9:20am Sep 15 2015 —

#DSP2020 quelle évolution pour le management?

9:09am Sep 15 2015 —

@wpseek yep, but I dont have Lollipop :)

in reply to wpseek — 9:27pm Sep 14 2015 —

@segfault @BoiteAWeb I dont have Lollipop :(

in reply to segfault — 9:20pm Sep 14 2015 —

@agentfeedback hi there, is there any way to tell Agent that *anyone* phone calling is allowed at night? (instead of selecting contacts)

8:41pm Sep 14 2015 —

@xdreamwalker Will have a look, thanks

in reply to xdreamwalker — 8:38pm Sep 14 2015 —

@bueltge well no, that silences the phone completely, including phone calls

8:31pm Sep 14 2015 —

I need an Android app to make the phone silent at night (eg no mail or FB notification) *except* for phone calls (from anyone). Advice?

8:26pm Sep 14 2015 —

@twithackr it’s just a regular WP theme, there are gazillions of guides on the web on this

in reply to twithackr — 7:09pm Sep 11 2015 —

RT @Slayer: New @Slayer album #Repentless is OUT NOW WORLDWIDE! Pick up your copy at….

5:49am Sep 11 2015 —

in reply to benjaminlupu — 8:26pm Sep 7 2015 —

@Misanthropadict @EMP_FRANCE y’a un livre avec le coffret? C’est quoi ce livre, il a l’air épais sur les photos :)

in reply to Misanthropadict — 5:19pm Sep 7 2015 —

@rochdaniel naaaah… j’ai pas touché WP depuis le WC Paris…. Chuis définitevement out of the loop :)

in reply to rochdaniel — 5:15pm Sep 7 2015 —