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Tweet Archive for October 2014
@cfinke it would be interesting to know what share of that growth is organic (more sites use Akismet vs spam increases). Amazing stat anyway
What’s heavier, feathers or metal? Cool vacuum experiment youtube.com/watch?v=E43-Cf…
Turns out my mechanical keyboard from 1996 isn’t dead at all, it was just a DIN connector problem :) Till 2030 baby!
@Metalliquoi wouah, et sans zozotter malgré les dents de dracula, bien joué :)
@palad1 logo Quake sur touche Esc. Doh. Need.
@palad1 hmmm je dois d’abord investiguer reddit.com/r/MechanicalKe…
@BoiteAWeb ah je vais définitivement lui faire honneur, c’est certain :)
Ho noooooes. My mechanical keyboard from 1996 just died :(
@michaeltorbert even simpler then: your delivery delivered itself! No wonder it was fast.
@michaeltorbert Supersonic drone delivery is being tested, obviously.
Just found out about Google Tables (5 year old experiment they probably forgot to kill). Quite neat. Example: research.google.com/tables?q=wordp…
@rmccue submitted. Just read the “TL;DR” and press the Merge button :)
@rmccue incoming PR on Requests!
@ScottSmith95 as long as they make all avatars animated using the new GIFV format, that’s fine! :) @mdo
RT @githubstatus: We’ve reverted to serving default avatars for all users while we work to restore the health of the avatar service.
@trepmal phhhhew thanks :)
Just found out that EMP (@emp_de, @emp_france and all their European network sites) are using YOURLS for their URL shortening needs m/ m/
@Otto42 outrageous that someone took “otto42” on Reddit and wasted it that way! :)