Tweet Archive for May 2014

@Christophe_Co Probablement le seul truc amusant des Monty Python… Ouaip, jamais été fan :-)

in reply to Christophe_Co — 5:54pm May 28 2014 —

@Christophe_Co il manque un “4/” et un “5/” à ce tweet et au précédent. C’est l’bordel. On n’arrive plus à suivre.

in reply to Christophe_Co — 2:36pm May 28 2014 —

@Luca_Scalvi neat — the readme misses a “how to install” section, though. Config via a dialog box would be awesome :)

in reply to Luca_Scalvi — 4:29pm May 27 2014 —

Kristen Wiig + Space Oddity = ♥

8:56pm May 26 2014 —

@mikelittlezed1 neat! Next on my todo list is adding more fun stats (most active day/month, how many people you chat with, etc…)

in reply to mikelittlezed1 — 4:31pm May 26 2014 —

Family photo while doing my red wine cellar inventory. ❤ my girls :)

6:01pm May 24 2014 —

I’ve booked an hotel using booking dot com for the first time. Very lame experience will not do again F++

4:28pm May 23 2014 —

Fun stuff! is a CLI-like web based interface for SoundClound. I dig :-) `> play Heavy Metal`

7:53pm May 22 2014 —

RT @OddityCentral: The Art of Crossing the Street in Vietnam

12:03pm May 21 2014 —

@emilfihlman yes, as stated on

in reply to emilfihlman — 11:39am May 21 2014 —

@rochdaniel très sympa le site, super logo :)

in reply to rochdaniel — 7:19am May 20 2014 —

@LnkSi I will, thanks

in reply to LnkSi — 6:17am May 19 2014 —

.@Codecademy would be 135% cooler if every page would not randomly time out when you click “Submit code”

10:51am May 18 2014 —

Oh my. Check those playing cards for code geeks. Awesomest stuff of the week.

8:53pm May 16 2014 —

@soixante relaaaaax *blam*

5:37pm May 15 2014 —

@adamdehaven absolutely not the slightest smallest tiny fraction of a hypothesis

in reply to adamdehaven — 4:50pm May 14 2014 —

In case you have missed it: emits more love than a bus heading to the nearest gaypride

4:20pm May 14 2014 —

@rmccue kind of lame that 20% of the web has their own unique coding standards, but I think the WP coding style is by far the most readable

in reply to rmccue — 1:58pm May 14 2014 —

BetterBible by @markjaquith: hilarious repo where one can submit pull requests and issues to fix the darn Bible –…

8:02am May 14 2014 —

@johnbillion Indeed. I’ll check that, thanks for the heads up

in reply to johnbillion — 10:20pm May 13 2014 —