Tweet Archive for hashtag “#FAIL”

When @twittersuggest suggests someone to follow me, other suggestions are totally irrelevant (today: @VidCage, an empty account) #fail

9:46am Jun 12 2011 —

@appleblogz if only I had support doing this for free #Fail

in reply to appleblogz — 10:53pm Jan 2 2011 —

I find it really stupid that you have now to put your own name as a “Contributor” in your own plugins. Just updated 29 readme.txt … #fail

12:35pm Sep 18 2010 —

I HATE @twitsensenet’s ad bar (example: ) and I’m banning it from my site. It sux. It’s ugly. It breaks CSS & JS. #FAIL

9:29pm Sep 3 2009 —

#1 result for “ozh” in bing is… #fail #bing. Anyone happy with Bing results? Hate the easy bash, but I honestly think it sucks.

8:25am Jun 3 2009 —

Hmmm yeah rrrright. The second after I publish a post on my blog, the whole site goes down :-) #swineflu #fail #omgwtfbbq #ozhizmygod

7:27pm May 5 2009 —