Tweet Archive for July 2014

@johnpbloch it was 12% when we started collecting stats for YOURLS 6 months ago, down to 7.5% today

in reply to johnpbloch — 6:28am Jul 30 2014 —

@feligui impressive d’être dans le FT mais faut s’abonner pour lire, ça sucks :)

in reply to feligui — 9:15pm Jul 29 2014 —

@teeVillain Hi, I ordered 2 tshirts (Purchase # 22408) in April and never received anything. Please advise.

2:26pm Jul 28 2014 —

@nacin This RFC is amazing, the wording in itself is an advocacy *for* PHP7…

in reply to nacin — 10:21pm Jul 27 2014 —

@caseydriscoll obviously new stuff & new APIs are missing, but I still use it for reference on everything it deals with

in reply to caseydriscoll — 4:27pm Jul 27 2014 —

@adamdehaven official yeah but feel free to remove the chain if looks better in your case use. We may slightly update the logo in the future

in reply to adamdehaven — 4:24pm Jul 27 2014 —

@bkkmmacom read the doc please

in reply to bkkmmacom — 4:22pm Jul 27 2014 —

@12bouteilles je ne sais pas comment exprimer le fait que J’EN AI RIEN A CIRER DE VOTRE SPAM SMS.

4:06pm Jul 3 2014 —

Summer holidays have officially started, weeeee (in the backyard for now)

7:59pm Jul 2 2014 —

My new password is now b3com3@billion4ire @manicho/how-a-password-changed-my-life-7af5d5f28038″ title=”″ class=”link link_untco”>…

5:26pm Jul 2 2014 —

@suisjean0 Bon barbecue! Pendant ce temps, ceux qui ont économisé 6 mois ou 1 an pour leurs vacances en Corse n’ont qu’à pleurer. #cgt

in reply to suisjean0 — 11:28am Jul 2 2014 —

RT @yourls: Using YOURLS and nginx? Your experience & advice would nicely chime in…

8:36pm Jul 1 2014 —

@LeoColomb cette issue illustre bien le probleme: il y a autant de configs possibles que d’install.

in reply to LeoColomb — 7:42pm Jul 1 2014 —