Tweet Archive for January 2011

@RBRebellion Something like this is planned in the future. Needs new DB schema first. See

in reply to RBRebellion — 9:08pm Jan 31 2011 —

Those attention whore jQuery people. Releasing jQuery 1.5 right now so they can ship with WordPress 3.1

9:03pm Jan 31 2011 —

@Viper007Bond funny powerpoint slides + some booze + a topic you master = easy talk, no fear :)

in reply to Viper007Bond — 10:26am Jan 31 2011 —

Getting started with BackPress by @brianlayman

7:18am Jan 31 2011 —

@ptahdunbar Time to sing some Motorhead and Sepultura songs.

in reply to ptahdunbar — 6:37pm Jan 30 2011 —

@Ipstenu yep indeed. Had forgotten about that tiny reset button.

in reply to Ipstenu — 6:23pm Jan 30 2011 —

@CarlosYoder we’ll probably blog this soon

in reply to CarlosYoder — 6:23pm Jan 30 2011 —

Trying to configure for the 3rd time my airport device. Die in a fire, Apple, iTunes and everything related.

9:58am Jan 30 2011 —

A registrar I use (and recommend: Gandi) warns me about my soon expiring. If you want to know why .tel sucks, check it quick!

9:26am Jan 30 2011 —

@tomslominski Yes. Will be possible via plugin when the DB scheme evolves. See

in reply to tomslominski — 6:43pm Jan 29 2011 —

@ruicruz heh thanks :)

in reply to ruicruz — 12:01pm Jan 29 2011 —

Currently using and liking WP Maintenance Mode by Simple, quick, fun, useful.

11:43am Jan 29 2011 —

@kchjr cheers!

in reply to kchjr — 8:48am Jan 29 2011 —

4 new tshirts ordered. That was a busy day :)

11:08pm Jan 28 2011 —

Ozh’ diet, day #1. Ate less cheese at dinner. Weight scale shows no improvement. Starting to feel demotivated.

7:45pm Jan 28 2011 —

Into Jazz? Check this The French National Orchestra playing a Billie Holiday tribute.

5:48pm Jan 28 2011 —

@itsananderson I asked @nacin when writing #plugindevbook and he replied they *might* be internally used at some point, but are buggy.

in reply to itsananderson — 3:23pm Jan 28 2011 —

OK so explains why I dig so much wp_enqueue_script() …

9:47am Jan 28 2011 —

in reply to goosh — 9:41am Jan 28 2011 —

@goosh there’s a plugin for that.

in reply to goosh — 9:11am Jan 28 2011 —