Tweet Archive for August 2012

@quiveutsortir merci d’inclure un lien “Unsubscribe” à votre spam que je n’ai jamais demandé à recevoir.

11:47pm Aug 31 2012 —

@Viper007Bond worst to me is “your login has to be at least 4 characters”

in reply to Viper007Bond — 11:44pm Aug 31 2012 —

@_badges je pense qu’un FF pour le compte Twitter de @nantesmonamour est un peu… exagéré non? Un tweet en aout 2008? :-)

10:52am Aug 31 2012 —

Neat: searches for “current time in <some place>” in Google gives instant results, even multiple timezones (“current time in Russia”)

8:46pm Aug 30 2012 —

@real_ishan but then, generic “dad, husband, breathe air and eats food” will become the new hype!

in reply to real_ishan — 4:53pm Aug 30 2012 —

@markjaquith ah, awesome, I had totally forgot that one :)

in reply to markjaquith — 4:08pm Aug 30 2012 —

@neverhappen btw I totally have to find a “Childless adults on board” sign for my car :)

in reply to neverhappen — 12:23pm Aug 30 2012 —

@neverhappen ho, sure. I like tweeps with not too many tweets a day, geek stuff, no foursquare checking, those things :)

in reply to neverhappen — 12:22pm Aug 30 2012 —

@machbio Also, I fail to see the connection between support and Twitter. See

in reply to machbio — 11:32am Aug 30 2012 —

@machbio yourls has been on Twitter for 2 years. I’ve been providing support on 1100+ tickets. I don’t get what you’re talking about.

in reply to machbio — 11:31am Aug 30 2012 —

I won’t follow someone whose Twitter bio states generic rubbish such as dad, mom, husband, wife, christian. FFS, be interesting, people!!!1!

11:21am Aug 30 2012 —

@machbio ???

in reply to machbio — 7:12am Aug 30 2012 —

@Christophe_Co Ca va te plaire: Des photos originales zet incongrues de personnalités

9:29pm Aug 29 2012 —

@Christophe_Co intéressant quand on compare le CA de ces films :)

in reply to Christophe_Co — 6:00pm Aug 29 2012 —

in reply to jeffrey_0202 — 4:26pm Aug 29 2012 —

On YOURLS Blog: YOURLS 1.5.1 Released

4:20pm Aug 29 2012 —

“My client is having this problem with your software, can you help me?” is probably the worst pickup line to seek help from me.

8:08am Aug 29 2012 —

@trepmal hack into it to upgrade it :)

in reply to trepmal — 9:42pm Aug 28 2012 —

in reply to pca_uk — 5:47pm Aug 28 2012 —

*aha!* I’ve just suddenly understood the benefits of Git’s “Staging” intermediary step. Took me a fucking while tbh.

5:37pm Aug 28 2012 —