Tweet Archive for August 2007

planetOzh: Air Guitar Championships: In a few days (September 5-7, 2007) Finland will be holding th..

8:12pm Aug 28 2007 —

planetOzh: Metal Band Logos and Banner Generator: Headbanging link of the day: MetalAd creates a sk..

7:14am Aug 28 2007 —

planetOzh: WordPress Plugin Competition: Woohoo, I Won o/: Hot from the press: I got 4th spot (als..

8:12pm Aug 26 2007 —

planetOzh: 5 Words Movie Critique: Little Miss Sunshine: Little Miss Sunshine: OMG. I laughed to te..

11:12pm Aug 22 2007 —

planetOzh: Postel’s Law (Robustness Principle): Something I learnt today: “Be conservative in..

5:12pm Aug 22 2007 —

planetOzh: What Chmod ? Symbolic to Octal Notation Perl Script: Have you ever “ls -l” a..

2:30am Aug 20 2007 —

planetOzh: Sony Digital Cameras Users Love Boobs: Hey, funny. Sony digital cameras save photos with..

2:30am Aug 20 2007 —

planetOzh: Looking for a Registrar: A call to nice readers: I’m looking for a registrar (just..

8:10pm Aug 14 2007 —

planetOzh: Looking for a Registrar: A call to nice readers: I’m looking for a registrar (just..

8:10pm Aug 14 2007 —

planetOzh: Review of a Freelance WordPress Designer: Let Adii self introduces him: “I’m..

2:11pm Aug 14 2007 —

planetOzh: Notepad++ Update: Notepad++, my favorite text editor, has been updated (changelog, binar..

7:12am Aug 13 2007 —

planetOzh: 16 Online Tools to Check Your Pagerank: Half of the planet (or so) is actually suffering..

11:11pm Aug 12 2007 —

planetOzh: Spam Gets Unreadable: A common spammer’s trick to escape mail filters is to sort-o..

7:10pm Aug 11 2007 —

planetOzh: How To Display UTF8 in your Putty Bash Shell: I was having a few reading problems on a s..

8:09pm Aug 3 2007 —

planetOzh: Make Funny Error Pages: A few weeks ago, when I had some bad times with WordPress spewin..

6:11pm Aug 3 2007 —