Tweet Archive for June 2014

Chart to decide when to get a tattoo

3:22pm Jun 29 2014 —

@DerpPress A Clockwork #FFA500 then? :-) #WPmovies

in reply to DerpPress — 11:21pm Jun 28 2014 —

#FFA500 is the new #000000 #WPmovies

11:13pm Jun 28 2014 —

En fait Hubert de @Metalliquoi, c’est une brute de musicos… Seek & Destroy, à la basse + gratte + batterie… m/

10:40pm Jun 27 2014 —

@pbaylies ahah :))

in reply to pbaylies — 5:13pm Jun 27 2014 —

If you’re not already, be sure to follow @DerpPress and the #WPmovies hashtag. Fucking hilarious :)

5:11pm Jun 27 2014 —

@josephscott you mean you still monitor a Linkedin account?? :)

in reply to josephscott — 3:16pm Jun 27 2014 —

@Jaan_eLv GD is a shit host always trying to blame others to fix their stuff. Error logs may have more info. Sorry, nothing I can do for you

in reply to Jaan_eLv — 9:14pm Jun 25 2014 —

@Jaan_eLv then it’s obviously not a YOURLS defect if it’s running for 10 mn. Server problem, could be lots of things, don’t know.

in reply to Jaan_eLv — 7:33pm Jun 25 2014 —

Yahoo’s captcha to sign in *might* be just a little too much crap…

7:47pm Jun 24 2014 — – best app concept ever I think

9:23pm Jun 23 2014 —

@hellfestopenair Pour les 10 ans je vois pas d’autre choix que Rammstein et ACDC … m/ C’était un Hellfest énorme. A l’année prochaine :)

in reply to hellfestopenair — 11:20am Jun 23 2014 —

@Metalliquoi tu vas être la méga star du coin! On est 4 potes, si on te croise, t’es bon pour la photo & apéro Muscadet :) m/

in reply to Metalliquoi — 11:10pm Jun 19 2014 —

Writing unit tests is 50% coding tests and 50% getting everything to work on Travis just as it works on your test box. Duh.

6:58pm Jun 19 2014 —

Super neat protip: need to var_dump() stuff during a PHPUnit test? Simplest way: fwrite(STDERR, print_r($myvar, TRUE)); #genius

5:53pm Jun 19 2014 —

@arcware of course you know the original by Motorhead? :)

in reply to arcware — 1:24pm Jun 19 2014 —

Bands I’ll see tomorrow: Loudblast, MOD, Septic Flesh, Sepultura, Sabaton, Rob Zombie, Iron Maiden, Slayer. OMFG m/ #hellfest

12:57pm Jun 19 2014 —

@wordnik mouchard in French is a snitch more than an undercover something

in reply to wordnik — 10:07am Jun 19 2014 —

@MbMusgrove I was not an ER kid. He must have gotten that habit from his mother :)

in reply to MbMusgrove — 8:36am Jun 19 2014 —

My younger has this strange habit of getting disfigured once a year when summer is coming… Stitches. Kids dig.

8:03am Jun 19 2014 —