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Tweet Archive for September 2012
@dumont héhé mortel ton nick surt twitter :) ¡ ןǝʇɹoɯ doɹʇ
@BleaderRaton zomg. Tu me diras, si le truc marche plus au départ, tu ne risques pas grand chose à essayer. Je note :)
@BleaderRaton hu… Et ça sert à quoi de faire cuire ta carte mère? :)
@onedesigns I just didn’t put a pin where I live :)
@markjaquith plus, it’s free today. Thanks for the tip :)
Map of visited countries on my wall. No, I’m not speaking about Facebook. twitter.com/ozh/status/2524222…
RT @kwightca: Great explanation and examples of the #WordPress Rewrite API in Pro WP Plugin Development from Wrox, thx @williamsba @just …
@ripienaar dunno. maybe :)
Very cool geek tattoo: the Photoshop toolbar i.imgur.com/dcUXp.jpg
Freebie: to celebrate their 1000th book, Packt Pub is offering any ebook for free packtpub.com/
@CorsairesNantes à vue de Twitter, match tendu! Félicitations!
@Jeff_Holland been trying to contact you by email already several times by the way. This is really getting infuriating.
@Jeff_Holland can you please, please, please, TURN OFF YOUR BROKEN EMAIL RESPONDER on iclonesuccess? You are spamming code.google.com/p/yourls/wiki/…
@gregkilian job? Hobby! :)
@daclements It’s manageable, really. Taste order is crucial, and eating a few bread slices now and then really “clears” the mouth. And spit.
Productive night: tasted 41 different wines. No real gem, but a few nice surprises.
Hellfest 2013 tickets secured.
Apparently China’s iPad is a bit disappointing RT @BleaderRaton: acidcow.com/pics/37521-pontiac… #gift #tablet #becausechina
@JohnPBloch meh. Maybe if you shake the device a bit, everything will realign correctly? :)
@juxfr ouais ça sent la journée pleine de dossiers de fond qui me font ch… et que j’ai pas envie d’avancer :-)