Tweet Archive for July 2009

RT @sudarmuthu Adding retweet buttons for WordPress posts {neat alternative to the crappy Tweetmeme stuff}

3:50pm Jul 31 2009 —

RT @lyndiWP How To Design And Style Your Plugin Admin Panel

8:12am Jul 31 2009 —

RT @wptavern Please give this forum thread some love and share your favorite WordPress sites –

10:42pm Jul 30 2009 —

Giving Hootsuite (there’s a new version) a try. Might be a killer.

7:45pm Jul 30 2009 —

Hey, just found I’m a font:

10:36am Jul 30 2009 —

Megadeth > Metallica
I concur m/

8:43am Jul 30 2009 —

On planetOzh: No, I Didn’t Read Your Email or Twitter

7:07pm Jul 29 2009 —

@Showfom please read the doc. You can make YOURLS public so there’s no login needed (this said, you still have to go to the “admin” page)

in reply to Showfom — 8:58am Jul 3 2009 —

@Showfom How would a simple page for YOURLS be different from the /admin/ part as it is now? Not sure I get it :)

in reply to Showfom — 8:15pm Jul 2 2009 —

*UTTERLY* annoying bug of FF 3.5: whenever I put “Ozh” in a login field, the autocompletion pwd stuff turns it into lowercase “ozh”. Arrggh

7:38pm Jul 2 2009 —

Just when you thought the subject would be over, it won’t: WP theme Thesis won’t go GPL

4:09pm Jul 2 2009 —

@johnturner Excellent move! Looking forward to review your plugin :)

in reply to johnturner — 2:22pm Jul 2 2009 —

On planetOzh: Let’s Get More Contestants Into the WordPress Plugin Competition

2:19pm Jul 2 2009 —

A church converted into a regular home. Totally awesome!

9:25pm Jul 1 2009 —

@nathanrice Using HTML5, while there are still so many crappy IE out there? No way :)

in reply to nathanrice — 4:14pm Jul 1 2009 —

@looztra Chrome? But it doesn’t have Firebug! :)

in reply to looztra — 7:50am Jul 1 2009 —