Tweet Archive for February 2010

Anyone tried TortoiseGit ?

11:25pm Feb 28 2010 —

Finally got to watch Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino. Soooooo disappointed :(

11:14pm Feb 28 2010 —

@w3edge pretty interesting article indeed

in reply to w3edge — 7:55pm Feb 28 2010 —

Oh please @delicious, do something. The popular page is brain dead easy to spam and currently 10 out of 30 links are spam.

10:16am Feb 28 2010 —

@redwall_hp rofl :) Or even *post* a spam comment to their blog? ;)

in reply to redwall_hp — 12:02pm Feb 27 2010 —

I think I’ll make a plugin that, everytime I mark a comment as spam, will send a mail to the commenter telling they can gtfo.

11:46am Feb 27 2010 —

Oh dear. I have a JS bit working fine on FF, MSIE, and it fails on Chrome. Damn f’ing browsers. I want a monopoly and deal with one only!

11:03pm Feb 26 2010 —

@wptavern that’s noticeable with few voters. Eventually he’ll get lost in the crowd

in reply to wptavern — 9:19pm Feb 26 2010 —

I think after adding “.ru” to my comment blacklist, I’m going to add “.ua”. More false positive than .ru, but dude, a lot less spam.

7:45am Feb 26 2010 —

I think is a neat example of CSS positioning :)

8:02am Feb 25 2010 —

Just gave chatroulette a quick try: random dudes 3, actual dicks 2. I’m afraid to go on :)

9:49pm Feb 24 2010 —

@wptavern if you like the product, yes. If you don’t, no. I’ve always considered promotion the same as endorsement.

in reply to wptavern — 5:31pm Feb 24 2010 —

@Christophe_Co tu bises Marion pour moi? Je suis son plus grand fan! :-)

in reply to Christophe_Co — 5:02pm Feb 24 2010 —

@sivel @Viper007Bond yep fail from me, I play with the class instead of wrapper functions. Bad bad me, I’ll fix that :)

in reply to sivel — 3:26pm Feb 23 2010 —

Cool comment policy: “If you want to gauge my tolerance, watch how others comment to me and triangulate accordingly”

2:37pm Feb 23 2010 —

@Viper007Bond wil check, thanks for reporting

in reply to Viper007Bond — 12:25pm Feb 23 2010 —

@HootSuite_Help any way to login to @Hootsuite without SSL? As silly as it may sound, my corporate proxy blocks https …

7:17pm Feb 22 2010 —

@nathanrice except with hosts who provide 1 click installs, since then to install plugins, themes or upgrades you don’t need FTP

in reply to nathanrice — 4:36pm Feb 21 2010 —

@StephenCronin because 140 char is too limiting? ? :)

in reply to StephenCronin — 1:48pm Feb 20 2010 —

On planetOzh: The (Other) Planet WordPress is on Twitter: Follow @planetwp

5:31pm Feb 19 2010 —