Tweet Archive for September 2014

@MacsandMoreDH not sure, I’ll check, thanks for the notice. But it was damn smooth before iOS8.

in reply to MacsandMoreDH — 5:32pm Sep 28 2014 —

Public Service Announcement: on an iPad 2, *don’t* upgrade to iOS 8. Makes the whole device sluggish to the point it’s unusable.

5:20pm Sep 28 2014 —

@andrewjamison honestly after 2 hours using it I’m back here on my computer to check if I can revert that upgrade

in reply to andrewjamison — 5:16pm Sep 28 2014 —

@andrewjamison on iPad 2 performance is noticeably more sluggish than iOS 7. Overall it made this device I already dislike more sucking.

in reply to andrewjamison — 3:47pm Sep 28 2014 —

@Rebark Swype. I just cannot type on a mobile device without this now

in reply to Rebark — 1:49pm Sep 28 2014 —

@MacsandMoreDH This device *badly* needed Swype. Not just adding some buttons here and there on the keyboard

in reply to MacsandMoreDH — 1:42pm Sep 28 2014 —

Updated the wife’s iPad to iOS8. So far, best new feature is adding 3rd party keyboard. Like, the one I’ve had on my Android for 3 years.

1:24pm Sep 28 2014 —

@Metalliquoi effectivement bien lourdingue… J’espérais que tu avais trouvé une combine plus simple mais je vois que non, dommage :)

in reply to Metalliquoi — 1:23pm Sep 28 2014 —

@Metalliquoi et comment tu fais habituellement lorsqu’il y a une interdiction?

in reply to Metalliquoi — 11:53am Sep 28 2014 —

@joetek yeah, I found that out. Now to decide what 4 CHAR LOGIN I’ll use. Grrr. 3 chars damnit. :)

in reply to joetek — 5:10pm Sep 27 2014 —

@joetek Thanks! Took me a while to figure where to enter that code :)

in reply to joetek — 5:07pm Sep 27 2014 —

@joetek I’ll add you up as soon as you invite me! :)

in reply to joetek — 4:59pm Sep 27 2014 —

@guillaumefrouin “breton people oppressed people”…. c’est… c’est une blague, c’est ça?

in reply to guillaumefrouin — 1:37pm Sep 27 2014 —

If you’re a nerd, a spy, or a nerd spy, and would like a invite, I might be able to help. Shoot me an email.

7:00pm Sep 25 2014 —

@b3nj4m7n YOURLS works fine on 5.2 to 5.6

in reply to b3nj4m7n — 5:36pm Sep 25 2014 —

12:06pm Sep 24 2014 —

@mayorityz dunno what to say more. It’s on, under the “API Keys” tab of the app you create. All you need is there.

in reply to mayorityz — 10:32am Sep 24 2014 —

@mayorityz it’s called API key & API secret now

in reply to mayorityz — 5:32am Sep 24 2014 —

RT @benjammingh: JSON is fine for config files, if you don’t want to comment your config file. Which is a way saying, it isn’t fine for con…

2:06pm Sep 20 2014 —

FWIW, TwitPic silently implemented the “export your photo” feature.… and scroll down.

6:17am Sep 19 2014 —