Tweet Archive for June 2016

@LANDEYves bah c’était drôle, fallait pas le supprimer celui-là :)

9:05pm Jun 30 2016 —

@UhOxzy ?

in reply to UhOxzy — 8:25pm Jun 30 2016 —

@EMP_FRANCE Bonjour EMP, perso j’utilise pas Instagrave… mais 1 tweet sur 2 depuis qq temps c’est “rejoignez-nous sur Insta”… Hmm? :)

in reply to EMP_FRANCE — 2:14pm Jun 29 2016 —

in reply to Rootbrian_ — 6:41am Jun 29 2016 —

@Rootbrian_ what URL shortener? Didn’t see anything suspicious

in reply to Rootbrian_ — 6:28am Jun 29 2016 —

in reply to Rootbrian_ — 6:24am Jun 29 2016 —

@scribu Very neat, thanks!

in reply to scribu — 6:03am Jun 28 2016 —

@donncha o/

in reply to donncha — 12:25pm Jun 25 2016 —

@belakorband will the album be on bandcamp too?

in reply to belakorband — 9:05am Jun 22 2016 —

@materielnet faites le à 1€ de plus, for the lulz

in reply to materielnet — 7:24am Jun 22 2016 —

RT @HackerNewsOnion: Area Barista Not Impressed by Apple Pay Integration #wwdc

7:11pm Jun 13 2016 —

@hellfestopenair Bien reçu ma cashless… mais pas compris comment on rentre quoi dans l’appli Hellfest pour payer depuis le mobile :) Help!

7:46pm Jun 6 2016 —

@johnpbloch 8%, of which 85% are probably abandoned blogs…

in reply to johnpbloch — 7:41pm Jun 6 2016 —