Tweet Archive for January 2014

Nothing’s like the command console or the color picker in Windows to get a nice reminder of how awesome were the nineties.

4:59pm Jan 31 2014 —

RT @IFLScience: Seriously. If you have a pizza with radius “z” and thickness “a”, its volume is Pi(z*z)a.

4:15pm Jan 31 2014 —

*ffs* *die* YouTube in-video ads *suck* *die*

7:05am Jan 31 2014 —

Koding is giving away 4GB VMs – Sign with me and get a 5GB VM! (site quite overloaded atm)

8:51pm Jan 30 2014 — is a nice reminder of vanilla JS tips & tricks (but jQuery rocks anyway)

8:32pm Jan 30 2014 —

@DerpPress Nope. That’s YOURLS.

in reply to DerpPress — 8:29pm Jan 30 2014 —

@glennansley I’d love to see some examples of code using this lib

in reply to glennansley — 6:05pm Jan 30 2014 —

@jeffr0 heh. I was really quite shocked when I realized it was that long ago…

in reply to jeffr0 — 10:37pm Jan 29 2014 —

9 years and 26,000 tickets ago, on a Trac not that far away… Time flies!!

10:34pm Jan 29 2014 —

Using Notepad++ and a light theme? Check…

6:30pm Jan 29 2014 —

@rmccue did you install hhvm locally, or completely relying on travis testing?

in reply to rmccue — 3:27pm Jan 29 2014 —

@rmccue weeeeeee that’s a lot

in reply to rmccue — 3:23pm Jan 29 2014 —

@westi omg this was you that red line in my logs! :)

in reply to westi — 11:10am Jan 29 2014 —

@seriocomic 1.7

in reply to seriocomic — 10:46am Jan 29 2014 —

I see a lot of you who have not updated to the latest YOURLS yet. Let me reiterate: *cough*OMGSQLINJECTION*cough*

9:17am Jan 29 2014 —

@Christophe_Co + de 130 millions. A vue de nez.

in reply to Christophe_Co — 9:18pm Jan 28 2014 —

@rzen I’ve been looking for more than 1 hour but found nothing. Found gazillions of forum posts asking for the same feature.

in reply to rzen — 9:12pm Jan 28 2014 —

in reply to rzen — 9:09pm Jan 28 2014 —

I’m *this* close to switch from Notepad++ to SublimeText. If only I could find a way to sort the “Crtl-R” palette output (function list)

8:48pm Jan 28 2014 —

@rmccue any chance we’ll have a tag for Requests? Or are you waiting for a few other commits before releasing 1.7?

8:05pm Jan 28 2014 —