Tweet Archive for hashtag “#wcsf”

Awesome! RT @markjaquith: #wcsf Q&A hot potato video — I really love this format! Would like to see more of this.…

4:28pm Aug 22 2011 —

@Viper007Bond I like your #wcsf RT, go on :)

in reply to Viper007Bond — 8:02pm Aug 14 2011 —

How many people get to talk at #wcsf and use the opportunity to sell their commercial products? I have very mixed feelings towards this :x

7:48pm Aug 14 2011 —

I have a question for @photomatt’s keynote: why isn’t Jaquith part of Automattic? #wcsf

6:46pm Aug 14 2011 —

I’have had a crush on Hanni since 2004 and her pinksocks blog. And the first pingback I’ve had on my first plugin was from her :) #wcsf

6:08pm Aug 14 2011 —

Seriously… the #wcsf music between two talks sucks badly :Þ

6:02pm Aug 13 2011 —

Isn’t there a free low quality livestream for #wcsf? Can’t find any. Very disappointed.

7:16pm Aug 12 2011 —

Isn’t there a free low quality livestream for #wcsf? Can’t find any. Very disappointed.

7:16pm Aug 12 2011 —