Tweet Archive for July 2012

@Beun I guess, I mean, I *hope*, that all @williampd did is a neat plugin :)

in reply to Beun — 10:03pm Jul 31 2012 —

Interesting service build with YOURLS: Creates a shortlink + saves an archive of the page. By @williampd

9:33pm Jul 31 2012 —

woot: alias ll=’ls -l –color=auto | awk ”'{k=0;for(i=0;i<=8;i++)k+=((substr($1,i+2,1)~/[rwx]/)*2^(8-i));if(k)printf(“%0o “,k);print}””

4:17pm Jul 30 2012 —

@DeFries will check :)

in reply to DeFries — 8:56pm Jul 29 2012 —

@DeFries OK, point me towards a cool GIT GUI for Win + a newbie guide and I’ll give it a try :)

in reply to DeFries — 8:38pm Jul 29 2012 —

@DeFries I’m an SVN guy, I don’t know GIT :)

in reply to DeFries — 8:33pm Jul 29 2012 —

@CorsairesNantes go Corsaires!

in reply to CorsairesNantes — 3:35pm Jul 24 2012 — Productive nap. Well, sort of :-)

3:27pm Jul 24 2012 —

@HoddzDJ there’s a plugin for.that

in reply to HoddzDJ — 2:35pm Jul 24 2012 —

@timi I am receiving them. But I’m in holidays and slow on the computer :)

in reply to timi — 7:29am Jul 24 2012 —

@oSoiSHAUN you have no clue what you’re talking about. These sites are not hosting by anyone at WP. They’re just using the free software.

in reply to oSoiSHAUN — 8:31am Jul 23 2012 —

in reply to dnlwgnr — 8:49pm Jul 22 2012 —

@ben785314280 see wiki page PossibleWithAPlugin

in reply to ben785314280 — 9:30pm Jul 19 2012 —

@yoast enough clueless RT maybe? :-)

in reply to yoast — 10:20am Jul 13 2012 —

Wow, life is so hard sometimes :-)…

6:37pm Jul 7 2012 —

@sucuri_security thanks for clarification. I think the site should issue clearer messages then :)

in reply to sucuri_security — 9:21pm Jul 5 2012 —

@norcross that’s stupid from them, the delicious .js is totally legit cc @sucuri_security

in reply to norcross — 8:38pm Jul 5 2012 —

@norcross yes. Was compromised and cleaned more than 4 weeks ago but Google decided to play jerk on this one.

in reply to norcross — 8:34pm Jul 5 2012 —

Nice spam from @iamroccett, apparently a crap music star wannabe, containing no less than 15 MB of mp3 in attachment. Moron.

5:04pm Jul 5 2012 —

@alexmontjohn See my comment on the issue

in reply to alexmontjohn — 5:01pm Jul 5 2012 —