Tweet Archive for June 2020

Github’s new design makes me squint my eyes to actually see where the light grey lines are. Tiring.

7:09pm Jun 27 2020 —

@justintadlock @JJJ Awesome idea. Wish I could attend. Will there be a replay available?

in reply to justintadlock — 7:04pm Jun 26 2020 —

@jesuisundev Je serais curieux de savoir qui n’utilise pas Git. Est-ce que quelqu’un utilise encore SVN, et pourquo…

in reply to jesuisundev — 11:39am Jun 25 2020 —

My interest for Hey stops at the first sign up screen. If anyone is needing an invite code, feel free to DM me

8:57pm Jun 24 2020 —

In all my future projects:
class ಠ_ಠ extends Exception {

//throw new ಠ_ಠ;

(inspired by a Reddit post)

3:01pm Jun 19 2020 —

@helenhousandi I appreciate the patronizing “get off my thread” reply. Will do😄

in reply to helenhousandi — 5:00pm Jun 16 2020 —

@helenhousandi “Trunk” means absolutely nothing is most languages. “Master” is a commonly used word in most languag…

in reply to helenhousandi — 3:24pm Jun 16 2020 —

@aalokdootdas Sure: backup your DB

in reply to aalokdootdas — 7:33pm Jun 14 2020 —

So, Github is apparently working on renaming the default branch, from ‘master’ to ‘main’. Political correctness 2.0…

10:37am Jun 13 2020 —

@blegueni @yourls @MouldS Merci de l’info :) Oui, compte bloqué, le mot “yourls” est même banni dans les créations…

in reply to blegueni — 8:48am Jun 12 2020 —

@justintadlock if you guys can send a copy my way I’d love it ;-) @williamsba @JJJ

in reply to justintadlock — 11:22pm Jun 11 2020 — creates “nice screenshots of your screenshots”. Very neat for catchy images in your README’s

11:00am Jun 11 2020 —

Using YOURLS and Composer? I’d love your feedback on this:… (a Composer custom installer for…

6:04pm Jun 10 2020 —

Just found out about, a comment system using the Github issues API. Seems super neat for a little site. I like.

4:43pm Jun 9 2020 —

Wondering… WordPress plugin devs, these days, are you still using SVN?

3:04pm Jun 8 2020 —

Hypocrisy backfires quickly these days

9:06pm Jun 7 2020 —

Finally took some time to try @10up actions to publish plugins from Github to WP without ever touching that crap SV…

6:15pm Jun 6 2020 —

@jesuisundev Personnellement j’ai banni de mon langage également le café noir, le chocolat blanc et les tshirts “de couleur”

in reply to jesuisundev — 4:15pm Jun 6 2020 —

@rmccue Pingback

in reply to rmccue — 2:43pm Jun 2 2020 —