Tweet Archive for May 2017

@bjornjohansen @danielbachhuber The –prompt option is killer!

in reply to bjornjohansen — 10:10pm May 23 2017 —

@Support Hello, case#58760934 opened 5 days ago, have not heard from you, lost my account during a username exchange with a corp. Plz help.

9:18pm May 23 2017 —

@SupportRequests Hello, I opened case 58760934 to hand over twitter handle of mine to a company, but now I’ve lost my account. Please help.

11:00pm May 19 2017 —

YOURLS showcase:, very fine layout, a really cool use case!

6:27pm May 19 2017 —

@s0ixante Ah oué tiens ca commence a faire longtemps qu’on n’y a pas joué :)

in reply to s0ixante — 5:20pm May 8 2017 —

@Its_CCHogan Anything is possible. See the plugin list and…

in reply to Its_CCHogan — 6:15pm May 7 2017 —

@Its_CCHogan yeah now master has been bumped to 1.7.3

in reply to Its_CCHogan — 5:55pm May 7 2017 —

@caschy yes, you can use custom rules using PHP code. See…

in reply to caschy — 7:30am May 4 2017 —

@3v4l_org super neat. Would deserve some visibility on front page I’d say

in reply to 3v4l_org — 11:15am May 2 2017 —

@amindeed @armujahid @yourls Randomly found this, added to the plugin list. Thanks!

in reply to amindeed — 10:04pm May 1 2017 —

@paulmisnercyber thank *you* ! :)

in reply to paulmisnercyber — 9:51pm May 1 2017 —

Not to brag or anything, but McLaren use YOURLS for their branded short URLs ;)

6:41pm May 1 2017 —

@frijole @yourls Awesome ! Just noticed that thanks to your tweet (yeah, hadn’t logged to twitter using YOURLS account for a while).

in reply to frijole — 6:35pm May 1 2017 —

in reply to paulmisnercyber — 6:27pm May 1 2017 —

RT @yourls: YOURLS 1.7.2

6:25pm May 1 2017 —

in reply to neverm6ind — 2:48pm May 1 2017 —