Tweet Archive for November 2012

WordPress 3.5 media uploader. Likes: more space, quicker upload, easier search. Dislikes: dropdowns = 2 clicks while radio buttons = 1 click

10:05pm Nov 30 2012 —

On planetOzh: Got Git Tshirts?

8:08pm Nov 30 2012 —

@jasonlong very cool *you*, very neat logo and thanks for making it available for all

in reply to jasonlong — 5:07pm Nov 30 2012 —

@Christophe_Co moins de temps qu’il n’en faut pour ré-élire un président de l’UMP

in reply to Christophe_Co — 5:06pm Nov 30 2012 —

@redbubble Cannot add anything to a newly created collection. All I see is a endlessly spinning icon in the collection

4:59pm Nov 30 2012 —

@jasonlong All done!… (attribution on the “Description” tab if not shown by default) Now I can buy myself a Git shirt :)

in reply to jasonlong — 4:13pm Nov 30 2012 —

@jasonlong Awesome! Will do. Thanks!

in reply to jasonlong — 3:20pm Nov 30 2012 —

@jasonlong I *think* I can from what I read on but, just to be sure: can I make & sell tshirts with the Git logo?

3:19pm Nov 30 2012 —

@stephdau yeh, I guess, although an option would still be to withdraw every 10 minutes :)

in reply to stephdau — 3:18pm Nov 30 2012 —

Kind of bummed you cannot use Paypal to donate to Wikipedia.

3:05pm Nov 30 2012 —

@noeltock for the record, the dot here is a tricky utf8 char to avoid twitter linkify it. Took me a few tries to succeed :)

in reply to noeltock — 1:27pm Nov 30 2012 —

@noeltock you meant wordpress․com ? :)

in reply to noeltock — 12:23pm Nov 30 2012 —

@cconover there was

in reply to cconover — 6:48am Nov 30 2012 —

#HTML5 & Why #Developers Need It #Infographic by @infragistics Checkout HTML5 Controls *ad

6:52pm Nov 29 2012 —

@williamsba ROFL! Beardpress :)

in reply to williamsba — 9:15pm Nov 28 2012 —

3:30pm Nov 28 2012 —

@williamsba @webdevstudios Protip: add .DS_Store to .gitignore :)

in reply to williamsba — 3:29pm Nov 28 2012 —

@Christophe_Co ah tiens ça faisait longtemps que j’avais pas ressorti ce vieux lien: :-)

in reply to Christophe_Co — 12:07pm Nov 28 2012 —

Har har: wifi blocking wallpaper.…

11:04am Nov 28 2012 —

In case you missed it earlier: On PlanetOzh: Efficient Git Setup on Windows

5:52am Nov 28 2012 —