Tweet Archive for October 2009

@BoltClock eyes opener here:

in reply to BoltClock — 3:07pm Oct 31 2009 —

OMG the leetness. I’ve just found out you can do syntax highlighting in nano :)

3:01pm Oct 31 2009 —

The cool thing with Iron Maiden in the iPod when I run is that it takes just 1 song to exhaust me :)

12:09pm Oct 31 2009 —

@Viper007Bond Blog about it!

in reply to Viper007Bond — 9:58am Oct 31 2009 —

If you’re following just one… RT @rboren Started on a WP contributor Twitter list:…

10:11pm Oct 30 2009 —

Super interesting and useful list of apps a startup uses:… There are quite neat stuff there

9:25pm Oct 30 2009 —

I’m saying the same for me :) RT @wptavern Thanks to all who have created Twitter lists and put WPTavern in your WordPress section.

7:42am Oct 30 2009 —

Funny, “Hey Jude” lyrics as a flow chart:

5:50pm Oct 29 2009 —

@wpseek wow yeah didn’t notice, heh that’s cool indeed :)

in reply to wpseek — 3:44pm Oct 29 2009 —

On planetOzh: Review of “WordPress Plugin Development: Beginner’s Guide”

2:38pm Oct 29 2009 —

Currently reviewing “WordPress Plugin Development (Beginner’s Guide)” by @vprelovac. It’s rich.

9:50am Oct 29 2009 —

@ZackKitzmiller Bad config.php editing. Please re-read the readme.

in reply to ZackKitzmiller — 7:20am Oct 29 2009 —

@brahmneufeld Love the domain name :)

in reply to brahmneufeld — 12:17pm Oct 25 2009 —

Checking my Mom’s iMac, trying to remember my using Apples 15 years ago. Boy I *hate* Macs.

6:35pm Oct 23 2009 —

On planetOzh: WordPress Quote Of The Day

7:41am Oct 23 2009 —

@nathanrice forget jQuery man. She’s with me already.

in reply to nathanrice — 8:17pm Oct 22 2009 —

@dumont 164k followers. has… 57. Need to recruit a social media consultant? :-)

in reply to dumont — 9:21am Oct 22 2009 —

@isakib what issue?

in reply to isakib — 4:32pm Oct 21 2009 —

@Otto42 good job Otto, but watch out, the lunch is a trap: there will be knives tempting you :)

in reply to Otto42 — 5:15pm Oct 20 2009 —

Real cross domain ajax with CSS, omg, brilliant.

9:53pm Oct 19 2009 —