Tweet Archive for May 2020

@3v4l_org While you’re at it, the twitter bio mentions your now MIA @_sjon account ;)

in reply to 3v4l_org — 11:17am May 30 2020 —

@jesuisundev @RandomDevFr Il est temps de lancer ta plateforme de blog collaboratif. Hint ;)…

in reply to jesuisundev — 11:14am May 30 2020 —

@3v4l_org I notice that your pinned tweet leads to a 404 :)

in reply to 3v4l_org — 2:48pm May 29 2020 —

Very nice article explaining the concepts of Git merging, I’ll save that for people with no knowledge of this:…

2:25pm May 28 2020 —

Always been a fan of @markjaquith written style. Please someone develop Maurice Moss Voice As A Service (the IT Cro…

2:12pm May 27 2020 —

@schlessera @andreasnrb @owenbarder That one is pretty huge 😝😫

in reply to schlessera — 12:43am May 27 2020 —

Very nice YOURLS root page example with latest links and stats:

9:37pm May 25 2020 —

@markjaquith SVN.

in reply to markjaquith — 11:22pm May 22 2020 —

@florianoverkamp @technosailor Yeah might be the fool proof solution in last resort (last, because inserting millio…

in reply to florianoverkamp — 7:18pm May 21 2020 —

@pbinfinity CLI isn’t an option, the average user can’t use this. But your idea of a new table could be the solutio…

in reply to pbinfinity — 7:16pm May 21 2020 —

@technosailor Splitting in chunks work if you have multiple queries, yes. But here my problem is single queries suc…

in reply to technosailor — 4:03pm May 21 2020 —

@beaulebens But how? In a MySQL tool like phpmyadmin? Hence, same PHP max exec time, or not? The average user knows…

in reply to beaulebens — 4:00pm May 21 2020 —

@ahfeel Users have their install on 5.5+

in reply to ahfeel — 3:59pm May 21 2020 —

Currently working on updating the DB schema in YOURLS. This will require long MySQL single operations (`ALTER TABLE…

2:54pm May 21 2020 — is fun :) (if you think regexp are fun)

6:04pm May 19 2020 —

@rmccue hello, could you have a look at… when you have a minute? Thanks!

9:46am May 15 2020 —

Neat TIL trick of my day: how to add borders to an image in Github markdown:…

6:32pm May 14 2020 —

Next folk to star YOURLS on Github will be the 6,000th! o/…

11:30pm May 3 2020 —