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Tweet Archive for April 2017
@jakeasmith Hi Jake, could you have a look at my PR when you have a chance? github.com/jakeasmith/htt… thanks :)
@CommitStrip_fr Hé ben voilà… Il en faut bien un, ça sera donc celui là… le pire strip de Commit Strip :)
Amazingly enough, it seems that no one has registered yet 💩.com …
Neat: GitPitch turns simple markdown files on Github into full-fledged slideshows. Example: gitpitch.com/gitpitch/kitch…
curl -f -s fortunecookieapi.herokuapp.com/v1/cookie | sed s/.*”message”:”//g | sed s/”,”.*//g #json2shell #cheapfortune
@3v4l_org neat idea but implementation isn’t perfect it seems, see for instance 3v4l.org/tT4l8
Unicode homograph attack: wordfence.com/blog/2017/04/c… (or “why IDN domains are teh suck”)
@aaronjorbin @johnbillion Ah, neat, had missed the “put composer bin into path” and couldn’t run the expected PHPunit. Huge thanks :)
@aaronjorbin Hi Aaron, noticed your unit tests on travis-ci.org/aaronjorbin/Wo… force phpunit to version 5.7, but cannot figure how you did this?
Just found out about unit testing in Laravel, mind blown: $this->visit(‘/’)->click(‘About’)->seePageIs(‘/about’), wow, so convenient!
RT @slyphon: c’mon now, i hear you’re feelin’ down pic.twitter.com/dThb6vGq4G
@LeFerrailleur @dtofficial @OGBand Moi m/
@LeFerrailleur @dtofficial @OGBand Moi m/
@hackinglife7 @AdmireTheWeb Well I’ll take that as a cultural thing that I find that email completely inappropriate then :)
Support questions. Straight to the point, because “hello”, “thank you” and all those useless words are soooo web 1.0 pic.twitter.com/QPfW1izxZV