Tweet Archive for hashtag “#previoustweet”

r/Showerthoughts/ has got to be one of my fave subreddits ever. Full of awesomeness :) #previoustweet

11:46pm Feb 18 2015 —

Bleh. It’s * (mnemonics: local virtual host), not #previoustweet

7:57pm May 13 2014 —

IT’S SO FUCKING STUPID !!!1! #previoustweet

6:33pm Jan 13 2014 —

On top of being funny, it’s probably a perfect deterrent for people how don’t RTFM (ie read the README or the CONTRIBUTING) #previoustweet

11:14am Dec 24 2013 —

I can’t resist tweeting that one: console.log(1 + (2 << 3) + 4 + (5 << 6) + 7 * (8 – 9 + 10)); #previoustweet

8:31pm Jun 9 2013 —

I think I’ll begin all my meetings with this now :-) #previoustweet

9:19pm Nov 3 2012 —

6:26am Oct 22 2012 —