Tweet Archive for May 2015

@DerpPress would love to read the team review theme review from the theme team using their team theme!

in reply to DerpPress — 9:20pm May 29 2015 —

@Christophe_Co La place de film kiffant de l’été a été prise aujourd’hui par Kung Fury.

in reply to Christophe_Co — 5:00pm May 29 2015 —

Kung Fury is live!…

5:33am May 29 2015 —

@blegueni pas du tout (je n’ai personnellement aucun intérêt pour les IDN)

in reply to blegueni — 7:53pm May 27 2015 —

@blegueni ben… une URL courte qu’on ne sait même pas taper au clavier (le u avec un trait là???) ça sert à quoi? :)

in reply to blegueni — 7:16pm May 27 2015 —

@blegueni probablement à quand quelqu’un soumettra une pull request pour le gérer …

in reply to blegueni — 7:15pm May 27 2015 —

@blegueni (mais j’ai toujours pas compris l’intérêt d’une URL “courte” qui se transforme en “cour-xnblablaomg-te”)

in reply to blegueni — 7:09pm May 27 2015 —

@blegueni si c’est pour héberger YOURLS lui-même, pas de pb:…

in reply to blegueni — 7:09pm May 27 2015 —

@blegueni pas de soucis pour shorten et redirect mais la conversion short url -> long url rate:

in reply to blegueni — 7:06pm May 27 2015 —

@blegueni comme tout le monde: en regardant avec dégoût ces URLs horribles!

in reply to blegueni — 7:02pm May 27 2015 —

@EnglandsAnders See… — waiting for your translation now :)

in reply to EnglandsAnders — 2:17pm May 27 2015 —

Using phpunit to run phpunit’s unit tests to test a pull request to phpunit. Fun times.

8:42am May 26 2015 —

When looking for a WP plugin, is a very neat resource

5:03am May 26 2015 —

I love how @travisci‘s favicon color changes when your test is pending/passing/failing. Nice touch!

7:42pm May 25 2015 —

Code that works in test.php but fails in a unit test. Hnnngngngnnnnnn.

10:49am May 25 2015 —

@jeffr0 dude, seriously, such amount of awesome work and dedication for all these years, it’s incredible. Thanks, and keep going on :)

in reply to jeffr0 — 11:41pm May 20 2015 —

Nice project skeleton with all files ready to be edited (.travis.yml, composer, phpunit.xml, etc…)…

9:10pm May 19 2015 —

7:34pm May 19 2015 —

@glennansley and I mean it :)

in reply to glennansley — 6:59pm May 19 2015 —

@smashingmag check Slack’s one for increased privacy ;)

in reply to smashingmag — 6:16am May 19 2015 —