Tweet Archive for hashtag “#blamenacin”

@westi you mean: @nacin Silverlight :-( #blamenacin

in reply to westi — 12:34pm Nov 6 2010 —

@JohnONolan yeah it should be a nice book ;) For once I cannot #blamenacin

in reply to JohnONolan — 8:28pm Nov 4 2010 —

@jeffrose *smacks forehead* now that you say it, it does seem pretty obvious… I #blamenacin once again!

in reply to jeffrose — 9:05pm Oct 25 2010 —

@aaronjorbin I’m pretty sure #thanksJane will be less successful than #blamenacin though.

in reply to aaronjorbin — 8:53pm Oct 17 2010 —

Mission accomplished: #blamenacin reference added to #plugindevbook (in a pretty awesome meta & self referential way, to be honest :)

1:29pm Oct 15 2010 —

Still trying to figure out how to insert a #blamenacin reference into #plugindevbook

12:20pm Oct 15 2010 —

RT @dougal: Today is not my birthday. I #blamenacin.

3:31pm Sep 30 2010 —

Custom DB errors in WordPress almost make it worth it taking your MySQL server down… #blamenacin

2:07pm Sep 24 2010 —

@JohnPBloch opposite complete UI fail: (and #blamenacin too, of course)

in reply to JohnPBloch — 3:23pm Sep 23 2010 —

New definition of “WordPress loop”: @nacin blames @nacin for having no control over the #blamenacin meme.

7:58pm Sep 21 2010 —