Tweet Archive for October 2015

@hidgw indeed, the doc doesnt mention them all:…

in reply to hidgw — 9:13am Oct 31 2015 —

@Otto42 @jeffr0 Yes they have it all: earlier that day using the steam client you had all your stats & friends.

in reply to Otto42 — 10:35pm Oct 29 2015 —

@jeffr0 yep, quite annoying for what’s left of the community :)

in reply to jeffr0 — 10:13pm Oct 29 2015 —

I want a car dashboard device that will display lyrics of the current song right on my windshield as it plays. Will pay money.

4:22pm Oct 27 2015 —

@Peoples_Pundit yes, got your mail, sorry, no time to look into it

in reply to Peoples_Pundit — 11:03pm Oct 26 2015 —

@nacin @SergeyBiryukov oops indeed. Should be fixed!

in reply to nacin — 7:01am Oct 23 2015 —

@Peoples_Pundit send me an email at with details and I’ll see if I can help

in reply to Peoples_Pundit — 7:33pm Oct 22 2015 —

@SergeyBiryukov oops indeed, it was using Yahoo Pipes which has gone defunct :) Looking into it!

in reply to SergeyBiryukov — 7:32pm Oct 22 2015 —

Mixed feeling with this, one of them being OMGROFL…

6:41am Oct 6 2015 —

RT @CommitStrip: Internet of Things: Sysadmin@Home, the job of the future!…

7:18pm Oct 5 2015 —

@Giorgy007 Hello, as-tu encore des invits? Je peux te screenshoter mon ratio t411, pas le FTDB malheureusement (1.40 environs sur les 2)

in reply to Giorgy007 — 2:53pm Oct 4 2015 —

@rmccue Nice work lately on Requests, much appreciated. Consider tagging 1.6.2 ?

8:55am Oct 4 2015 —

“No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens” archive page – The Onion nails it, hard.…

7:37pm Oct 2 2015 —