Tweet Archive for February 2009

Just noticed the uploader within Gmail got waaaay better (one click upload). Great! Been waiting for this for like 4 years.

3:58pm Feb 28 2009 —

on planetOzh: Twitter Logo Stealing?

3:36pm Feb 28 2009 —

@rajupp been updating the plugin recently for translation issues and compat with WP 2.8. (1 more update coming, for an RTL friendly edition)

in reply to rajupp — 9:14pm Feb 27 2009 —

in reply to sudarmuthu — 5:53pm Feb 26 2009 —

on planetOzh: + Twitter Mashup To Spread The Love

12:37am Feb 25 2009 —

I’m working on an RTL friendly version of my Admin Drop Down Menu for WP. Anyone want to beta test it? (should be ready by tomorrow)

7:52pm Feb 24 2009 —

@smashingmag Fun comment contest! Now it’s time to use Liz Strauss’ Comment Counter plugin for WordPress :)

8:06pm Feb 23 2009 —

planetOzh: Internet Memes, All Of Them

5:39pm Feb 22 2009 —

planetOzh: Who Needs Privacy When You Can Have Twitter Instead!

3:40pm Feb 21 2009 —

planetOzh: echo __(’I Hate Localizing My Plugins. How About Something Different?’);

10:11pm Feb 20 2009 —

@nathanrice Read maybe you’ll learn a few stuff :)

5:56pm Feb 17 2009 —

planetOzh: How To Estimate a Programming Job

11:08am Feb 12 2009 —

(late) new year resolution: I’ll never buy again on ebay from a non pro seller. Once again, what a pain in the ass.

6:52pm Feb 11 2009 —

@ArtemR WP 2.7.1 doesnt change the menu logic. Plugin works fine. Send sshot to ozh at if ur sure you didnt screw something up

in reply to ArtemR — 6:39pm Feb 11 2009 —

planetOzh: Zenphoto, As Easy As 1 2 3

10:08am Feb 3 2009 —

Just found out, a neat and fun tool to make UI mockups. I like it! Used to draw mockup forms in… Excel :-P

10:13pm Feb 2 2009 —