Tweet Archive for January 2009

Tip: if you’re going to have anesthesia during the next 25 years, DON’T watch movie “Awake”.

1:24pm Jan 29 2009 —

Just finished Dexter S3. Pretty good, even better than the first 2 seasons IMO.

8:09pm Jan 25 2009 —

@squawkfox discovered your site via delicious/popular and just spend an hour going through all your posts (or mostly). Love it.

in reply to squawkfox — 7:53pm Jan 22 2009 —

@rossmasters no news from the php_inclued.dll department? Well, too bad.. :)

in reply to ozh — 2:12pm Jan 17 2009 —

planetOzh: CSS Trick: Scrolling Background Images

8:38pm Jan 15 2009 —

@rossmasters I’m currently on 5.2.1 and that would be *awesome* :)

in reply to rossmasters — 8:34pm Jan 10 2009 —

@rossmasters found about your compiled php_inclued.dll extension via stackoverflow, but it’s missing. Do you still have it?

in reply to rossmasters — 8:03pm Jan 10 2009 —

@jdevalk good job on tweetbacks, looking forward to see the internals of the plugin :)

in reply to yoast — 7:24am Jan 9 2009 —

planetOzh: Using WordPress as a Database / Catalog / Directory

7:12pm Jan 5 2009 —

planetOzh: WordPress Plugin Information API Documentation

8:05am Jan 5 2009 —