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Tweet Archive for January 2011 « page 2
Hey @gmail, I’d like to pick a label when composing a message. Kind of cumbersome to have to see the message you’ve just sent to apply one.
@itsananderson too much Rob Zombie for me. Can’t code while headbanging with a fist up in the air :)
@AbriCoCotier d’une part, j’en doute (hormis si tu actives les fonctions multisite evidemment), d’autre part la 2.9 est vulnérable…
@RichieM_ suggest them to upgrade and, if not, denounce! :)
Hey @ovhteam, that’s nice to offer 1 click install for WordPress, but… version 2.9 really? It’s a bit… outdated.
@markmcwilliams I don’t think I limited this (at least you can 3 chars, eg ‘ozh’)
OMFG. I’m seeing Rob Zombie and Cavalera Conspiracy in June. O.M.F.G. (and Ozzy, Judas Priest and a shitload more)
Looking at www.bytelove.com/ and liking a few stuff. I regularly have that compulsive itch for new tshirts… :)
@rudolfpietersma no, I didn’t work on this lately. No ETA :Þ
@Imnotanerd why reinvent the wheel… If you want something less extensible, lighter and with less features than YOURLS, try Lessn
Neat. WP Quick Deploy: a plugin to quickly deploy WP + a few top notch hand picked plugins bit.ly/dR2oBO (including some from me ;)
Awesome: mediaqueri.es/ Visit any website featured there and resize your browser window.
@pollyplummer It doesn’t work.
@ArtemR omg rofl uber awesome :)))
@talou Probablement facile à faire avec un plugin. Regarde yourls.org/wikidocs et modifie un plugin d’exemple
@KeyCAPTCHA ooooops forgot to turn the read-only mode off ;P And the point of “shorter” is pretty obvious: 140 char ain’t a lot…
@KeyCAPTCHA mine is scr.im/ozh and it’s 40% shorter ;)
@markjaquith @aaronjorbin I like the world you live in. A manichean world where someone IS or IS NOT a felon, for life. Wish it existed.
@Latz No idea. I think Amazon US is simply offering a rebate for preorder while others don’t. Maybe wait for the ebook? :)
@TJList Saw Anthrax live last year. Not my fav band but they were quite kicking :)