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Recent tweets « page 28
@scribu wondering what tools you use to generate wp-cli builds? (Travis CI is the committer??) Thanks in advance :)
Slacktivism meets charity: tap.unicefusa.org + developers.google.com/chrome-develop… = effortless donations i.imgur.com/AOrjVGA.png
This is going to be very cool github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS-… Major hat tip @scribu and the gang
Down, down, left, right, down, left, down, down, right, yessssss pic.twitter.com/KKyw2kZRtP
I’m not sure twitch.tv fully understands what users think of ads… “Oh please, yes, fix this & show me ads” pic.twitter.com/ogbYDolhh1
Productivity tip of the day, in 3 steps: 1) don’t google “2048”. 2) don’t check first result. 3) don’t begin playing “just to try”
Doing some server maintenance and spring cleaning, I found an unused and long forgotten 12000jokes.sql.gz … Anyone interested? :)
@3v4l_org latest PHP always seem to eat more RAM & CPU, eg 3v4l.org/UoHms/perf#tabs True? Or may it be because of how your tests run?
Is my 7 year love story with my web host coming to an end? Can’t even access /wp-admin on all my WP sites, while all non WP sites work OK.
I won one of these things withings.com/en/pulse Anyone knows/uses this?
Youtube streaming videos on slow connection, explained: i.imgur.com/HuAB0u9.jpg
Reading HN on a tablet? Try hn.premii.com, very slick. There’s an app, too.
PHP rule of thumb: if you don’t have a specific reason to use ==, use ===. Example: 3v4l.org/j8dcQ
I’m sort of mentoring a 13yo future hacker, began with HTML then CSS, now exploring JS. The *excitement* when I showed him Firebug :-)
RT @spazef0rze: var_dump(md5(‘240610708’) == md5(‘QNKCDZO’));
3v4l.org/2vrMi Collisions made easy. #PHP #MD5 #typejuggling
Example of PHP 5.6’s magic method __debugInfo() : 3v4l.org/qX7Qa
Cool loft to spend a ski week in. Very neat :-) pic.twitter.com/nZGBbQBa1T
Second time I have to use iTunes this week. Worst week ever.
Awesome: How to kill processes with style in Bash, rage-quit style gist.github.com/namuol/9122237
I really like how XKCD regularly wins the internet with simple tools and technologies