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- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 26
A band to discover: Myrath. Progressive metal, heavy guitars, with an oriental touch. Interesting.
RT @aldolat: Just finished my “Tweet Archive” WordPress theme customization tweets.aldolat.it /cc @ozh
RT @HackerNewsOnion: If at first you don’t succeed, try catch again.
Simple bash alias that I try to check before each commit: alias vardump=’grep -r “var_dump(” *’. Better than “oops, committed debug code” :Þ
shoppedtattoos.tumblr.com — awesome photoshop jobs
This is very impressive. Selecting & manipulating text within an image, from within the browser. projectnaptha.com
App review nails it i.imgur.com/3svICNd.png
I’ve updated my Tweet Archive Theme for WP to get along with my Tweet Archiver plugin, whatyathink? planetozh.com/tweets/
I’m wishing you all a happy Easter, may the love of Jesus enlighten your haha just kidding. Eat chocolate bunnies, drink wine, have fun.
I fought the CSS, and the CSS won
And now for an unusual public service announcement about driving slowly – or not :) youtube.com/watch?v=9S75Rf…
What kind of traffic (let’s talk typical WP blog) can you expect to handle on a $5/month DO droplet? Any experience to share?
So… I just saw How I Met Your Mother’s finale. Just… leave me alone for a while, will you?
My own fav in WP 3.9: mysqli — Fav feature overall in WP: the plugin API — Least fav overall: page order management
@scribu didn’t know you had stopped to use WP at all. Quite a shocker to me :)
Archive your tweets with WordPress ozh.in/x8
Fun *and* regexp, can’t not love that. regexcrossword.com
New kind of spam? via Trac, ffs. plugins.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2193 I hope this doesn’t become a trend cc @nacin @Otto42
This guy has sent me a support request for YOURLS in Facebook, then a tweet, then an email. In a 10 minute span. Still waiting for the fax.