Recent tweets « page 25

In case you have missed it: emits more love than a bus heading to the nearest gaypride

4:20pm May 14 2014 —

BetterBible by @markjaquith: hilarious repo where one can submit pull requests and issues to fix the darn Bible –…

8:02am May 14 2014 —

Bleh. It’s * (mnemonics: local virtual host), not #previoustweet

7:57pm May 13 2014 —

Testing an app using different hostnames (hello WP multisite), can’t modify /etc/hosts (hello iPad)? Tip: * resolves to

7:56pm May 13 2014 —

A geeky reminder: today at 16:53:20 GMT, it’ll be 1400000000 in Unix time.

6:11am May 13 2014 —

If @github ever goes for a “Cutest Project Award”, I think I’ll win:

8:26pm May 12 2014 —

Major French ISP provides free hosting with PHP 4.4.3. An undocumented .htaccess hack can upgrade you to 5.1.3RC4-dev #wow #thanks

10:25pm May 9 2014 —

Where metal bands come from: (spoiler: Northern EU FTW)

11:37am May 9 2014 —

@sabaton Thrilled to see you at Hellfest next month!!! My kids demand that you play Master of the Worlds :)

11:09am May 9 2014 —

My weekend project is going to be the most useful app ever: a song based timer to help perfectly cook beef on the BBQ. Awesome or what?? :)

7:43pm May 8 2014 —

YOURLS showcase: — I didn’t even noticed yet there was a .link TLD

9:40am May 8 2014 —

Backed something on Kickstarter for the first time – Hope it’ll work, can’t wait to get one :)

3:15pm May 7 2014 —

Incoming kidpocalypse at my place tomorrow, any suggestions for movies that would rock a gang of 9 to 12 yo boys?

7:35pm May 6 2014 —

My Ipod is dead, need to buy another mp3 player. Soooo pissed there’s no decent alternative to Apple :(

7:58pm May 5 2014 —

RT @DerpPress: Man, the Web is worth less than we thought! 20% of the Web is worth $160M, so someone should snap the whole thing up for a c…

4:29pm May 5 2014 —

Meet the new generation of image slider in Master Slider *ad

3:50pm Apr 30 2014 —

Cool tweak to my Tweet Archive theme: segregating Tweets from Tweets+Replies, like Twitter does

3:23pm Apr 30 2014 —

Support issues I dig: “Hi, I’m a total noob/can’t code. How do I <question about totally refactoring a core part of your project>?”

8:17pm Apr 29 2014 —

Searching an answer related to a query_post trick, I found it on a post from 2008. Memories!

7:38pm Apr 25 2014 — is full of handy awesome tools that make you feel like you know stuff.

5:35pm Apr 25 2014 —