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- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 24
Binary Metal. Like morse code, but more metal youtube.com/watch?v=dYBZMR…
RT @CeraInteractive: @GeekPressFR Essayer de faire un code propre avec un CMS c’est comme essayer de faire de la grande cuisine avec des pr…
@thierrypigot J’aime beaucoup sur ton site l’accroche pour le paragraphe e-commerce: “Jouez à la marchande !” :))
RT @ChrisJOrtiz: This map shows every school shooting since Sandy Hook bit.ly/1phetWQ pic.twitter.com/Qw2kSlIYuQ
Generate bookmarklet links from Javascript code using PHP: github.com/ozh/bookmarkle…
@TedMielczarek FYI, I ported to PHP your super Bookmarklet Crunchinator that I’ve been using for yeaaars github.com/ozh/bookmarkle… Thanks :)
This song will perfectly match today’s plans youtube.com/watch?v=XvmkMk…
YOURLS just crossed the 1,000 stars mark on Github. Thanks all :) github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/
When YOURLS gets 1000 stars on Github, I’ll work on releasing 1.7.1 :-) Star it now! And hope ego boost driven dev doesn’t become a trend :)
@TimCrockfordAU just a ping — I still haven’t gotten time to respond to your mail about YOURLS plugins, but still on my todo list! :)
NHL logos redesigned using Simpsons characters bleacherreport.com/articles/20858… Fun, and shows which logos work or lack creativity (boo Philly Flyers)
PHP WTF Of The Day: <?php echo ‘2+2 = ‘ . (2 + 2 === 4 ? 4 : 2 + 2 === 5 ? 5 : ‘dunno’); // should output “4”, right? 3v4l.org/pX0XQ
Kristen Wiig + Space Oddity = ♥
Family photo while doing my red wine cellar inventory. ❤ my girls :) pic.twitter.com/FMpxpNQKaL
I’ve booked an hotel using booking dot com for the first time. Very lame experience will not do again F++
Fun stuff! cmd.fm is a CLI-like web based interface for SoundClound. I dig :-) `> play Heavy Metal`
RT @OddityCentral: The Art of Crossing the Street in Vietnam ow.ly/x3BcQ
.@Codecademy would be 135% cooler if every page would not randomly time out when you click “Submit code”
Oh my. varianto25.com Check those playing cards for code geeks. Awesomest stuff of the week.
@soixante relaaaaax *blam* i.imgur.com/BihlGpL.gif