- @ozh
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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 23
RT @yourls: Using YOURLS and nginx? Your experience & advice would nicely chime in github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/…
Chart to decide when to get a tattoo i.imgur.com/9Lmg0yF.jpg
En fait Hubert de @Metalliquoi, c’est une brute de musicos… Seek & Destroy, à la basse + gratte + batterie youtube.com/watch?v=f8kS4L… m/
Yahoo’s captcha to sign in *might* be just a little too much crap… i.imgur.com/jzT49sw.png
runpee.com – best app concept ever I think
Writing unit tests is 50% coding tests and 50% getting everything to work on Travis just as it works on your test box. Duh.
Super neat protip: need to var_dump() stuff during a PHPUnit test? Simplest way: fwrite(STDERR, print_r($myvar, TRUE)); #genius
Bands I’ll see tomorrow: Loudblast, MOD, Septic Flesh, Sepultura, Sabaton, Rob Zombie, Iron Maiden, Slayer. OMFG m/ #hellfest
My younger has this strange habit of getting disfigured once a year when summer is coming… Stitches. Kids dig. pic.twitter.com/2n2renMbBs
Little code, big news: WP 4.0 will finally have a filter to disable wptexturize, pet peeve of many people for years core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/28715
Mails I get about localized plugins: “Hi, here’s a better translation in gk_UR, please update”. Except I can’t judge if it’s better :(
My WordPress plugins are on Github. Fancy a Pull Request? ozh.in/xg
Interesting: versionpress.net aims to be a WordPress plugin that will back files and DB content using Git
Downloading classes from phpclasses.org like it’s 2005 again
This is Friday the 13th. I wonder how @williamsba will dress today.
Deal: Globalsign is giving free SSL certs to open source projects: globalsign.com/ssl/ssl-open-s…
Major Amazon UI fail: search button (“Go”) is a div, containing a small input button. Clicking the div does nothing, despite visual feedback