- @ozh
- @ozh
- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
- ozh.org
- planetozh.com
- Tweets
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Recent tweets « page 22
DreamHost has an option to “Automatically upgrade PHP” for your sites. Don’t let old stuff err on abandoned PHP versions!
@startssl auth.startssl.com has been unreachable for days (SSL error), could you please look that (I need to renew a cert ASAP!)
A Single Div: a CSS drawing project by @lynnandtonic a.singlediv.com — very impressive CSS gradient design skills!
@ipstenu wow such popular very photogenic on DreamHost’s new front page :)
Just found out there a .fail TLD. I guess they created a TLD just for sites showing funny videos of stupid people hurting themselves.
Current mood: unit tests running fine locally but failing on Travis arrrrgggghhhhhhhkillmeffs
I think @BoredElonMusk might be the coolest parody account ever. Witty, funny, smart.
The people from @Redbubble “support” are the most unhelpful people I’ve ever dealt with. Automated reply? Check. Details from human? Never.
RT @apachefriends: In case you missed: New #XAMPP for Win, Linux and OS X with latest Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin. Check it out! https:/…
I just found out I cannot “upload” an AVI movie to my wife’s iPad. Reason #77 to hate that piece of shit of hardware + software.
Best domain name ever for a URL shortener is back online — powered by YOURLS! tr.im
“Hey, pass me a beer” – youtube.com/watch?v=HVsU-v…
Toys from the attic: kids found their dad’s 30 years old Nintendo pic.twitter.com/jgburTBCjm
Hey Twitter, t’as quoi comme hébergeur français à me conseiller qui craint moins qu’OVH?
Fun domain name of the day running YOURLS: txtl.ink
@teeVillain Hi, I ordered 2 tshirts (Purchase # 22408) in April and never received anything. Please advise.
@12bouteilles je ne sais pas comment exprimer le fait que J’EN AI RIEN A CIRER DE VOTRE SPAM SMS.
Summer holidays have officially started, weeeee (in the backyard for now) pic.twitter.com/53Rcty9Sf1