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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 21
There’s a tech event about WP in my town, with a truly amazing schedule. How about you sponsor it? From 150€ bitly.com/YYlhhu
@hellfestopenair peut-être un peu en retard sur les suggestions pour la Altar mais… youtube.com/watch?v=oOHdA7…
RT @TheFalconer: This is the best headline you’ll read today. pic.twitter.com/fvJ8XJs4aJ
Public Service Announcement: on an iPad 2, *don’t* upgrade to iOS 8. Makes the whole device sluggish to the point it’s unusable.
Updated the wife’s iPad to iOS8. So far, best new feature is adding 3rd party keyboard. Like, the one I’ve had on my Android for 3 years.
If you’re a nerd, a spy, or a nerd spy, and would like a Keybase.io invite, I might be able to help. Shoot me an email.
RT @wordnik: Happy #NationalPunctuationDay! Celebrate with some Punctuation Soup: blog.wordnik.com/punctuation-so… pic.twitter.com/HX1I8omdVR
RT @benjammingh: JSON is fine for config files, if you don’t want to comment your config file. Which is a way saying, it isn’t fine for con…
FWIW, TwitPic silently implemented the “export your photo” feature. twitpic.com/account/settin… and scroll down.
So, Scotland… yes? no? pull the prank? chicken out?
I guess crymyip.com is some sort of an accessible “what is my IP” tool for the visually impaired…
WordPress plugin banner as a .PSD ozh.in/xi
RT @jacobbockelmann: @yourls is the most incredible link shortener. After playing w/ it I don’t understand how or why anyone could pay for …
After 3 hours of non stop listening, my 10 yo son is positive: @MANOWAR Warriors of the World is the best song ever. youtube.com/watch?v=AJ0sW7…
Apparently, all WordPress plugins are (unofficially) mirrored on Github, with tags and everything: github.com/wp-plugins
Added define( ‘WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE’, true ); to all my wp-config.php to apply ALL future updates, minor & major. When I die, my blogs wont’!
RT @skipology: Just set a YOURLS shortlink system up by @ozh + plugin by @norcross recent post test skip.re/horses BITLY would be U…
“One small step for man but one giant leap for whisky”. No wonder Ardbeg is my fave whisky :) theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2…
Remember Jaiku, that Google bought and then killed? Given Twitter’s press, now would be a good time to relaunch it…
“WordPress 4.0 ships today! Are your plugins all set?” Nice mail reminder from the WP folks