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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 8
And during week-ends, @williamsba has a fun prankster hobby i.imgur.com/PYL1XVS.gifv
Sent an email to Robert Muchamore (writer of teen novels “CHERUB”) and he replied. Kids are thrilled :)
Massive phishing campain against various registrars; got a few mails myself. domainnamewire.com/2015/10/26/war…
Best Reddit thread ever reddit.com/r/WTF/comments…
I want a car dashboard device that will display lyrics of the current song right on my windshield as it plays. Will pay money.
Mixed feeling with this, one of them being OMGROFL infowars.com/pissforequalit…
RT @CommitStrip: Internet of Things: Sysadmin@Home, the job of the future!
commitstrip.com/2015/10/05/int… pic.twitter.com/EsE7QSg5g7
@rmccue Nice work lately on Requests, much appreciated. Consider tagging 1.6.2 ?
“No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens” archive page – The Onion nails it, hard. theonion.com/article/no-way…
@Swype I miss the quick access to the regular smiley list in latest update ;-(
@s0ixante j’ai une réclamation à porter sur ta twitter bio: la citation exacte est “gad damn that was fast” “yea, im a ninja”.
#DSP2020 Parlons coûts: sommes nous déjà compétitif? Quels efforts a faire? (et bises a l’agence ATL)
#DSP2020 quelle évolution pour le management?
@agentfeedback hi there, is there any way to tell Agent that *anyone* phone calling is allowed at night? (instead of selecting contacts)
@bueltge well no, that silences the phone completely, including phone calls
I need an Android app to make the phone silent at night (eg no mail or FB notification) *except* for phone calls (from anyone). Advice?
RT @Slayer: New @Slayer album #Repentless is OUT NOW WORLDWIDE! Pick up your copy at bit.ly/slayer-repentl…. pic.twitter.com/CxuqcUB0NN
Remove telemetry (phone home) updates from Win 7 & 8.1 gist.github.com/xvitaly/eafa75…
RT @_youhadonejob: At least they made it grammatically correct. pic.twitter.com/jNRTPppwuV
RT @raywongy: Saw this yesterday lol pic.twitter.com/XZaNBIy6jS