- @ozh
- @ozh
- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
- ozh.org
- planetozh.com
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Recent tweets « page 7
RT @rmccue: Wanna patch WordPress via GitHub? Do it right now: rmccue.io/patch/
Or read how it works: journal.rmccue.io/367/patch-word…
Neat: `curl wttr.in` in the console to get your nerdy weather forecast
@ipstenu since last week, on all my sites wp-admin pages return 404 50% of the time, need to refresh several times. Any idea?
OMG Hilarious. Best way EVVVVER to get your socks off :) i.imgur.com/bdVsHf4.gifv
Last time I used Jetpack to share posts on Facebook, it shared post titles. Now it sends an ugly excerpt. WTF Jetpack.
RT @ThePracticalDev: The last programming book you’ll ever need pic.twitter.com/cnObD8GYGZ
Boom! Free SSL certificates on Dreamhost for everyone with Let’s Encrypt.
@CloudyBay FYI it’s impossible to visit your website, no matter what date of birth, that silly popup window always redirect to drinkwise :(
Registering a new blog on wp.com looks like registering an AOL nickname in 1998. They. Are. All. Registered. Already. FFS.
RT @yourls: Want Buffer to support YOURLS? Have your say: buffer.uservoice.com/forums/257855-…
morsecode.io .-.. — …- . !!
RT @delalonde: Digital jargon utilised in most meetings. lnkd.in/ePX_6hh
When programmer have fun: gist.github.com/maxrice/2776900
RT @idiot: programmer seal of approval pic.twitter.com/MaFeDIkDko
@KeepTalkingGame any chances for translated versions of the game? Like, French?
All my 53 gifts for xmas this year are wrapped, labelled and listed. #fyeah pic.twitter.com/eaH9sku6Mv
Just in case you need to cry a tear or two: youtube.com/watch?v=h2caT4…
YOURLS 1.7.1 blog.yourls.org/2015/12/yourls…
@s0ixante le livre de fantasy que t’as aimé bien qu’aimant pas trop la fantasy, stait quoi? le nom du vent? ou la horde du contrevent?
@Spoonflower Just discovered you, super tempted to buy awesome giftwrap… How safely do you ship to EU? Hard cardboard tube?