- @ozh
- @ozh
- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
- ozh.org
- planetozh.com
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Recent tweets « page 6
RT @kovshenin: Goodbye MyISAM: percona.com/blog/2016/10/1…
@avast_antivirus super tired of the annoying popup warning me about anything and everything. Where is the option “DONT NAG ME” ?
@mastjamali again, congratulations, you found how this site works. You rock. Keep going, there are a few thousands emails to get. Have fun.
RT @joewalnes: Why did no-one tell me HTML natively supports auto-completion?
No JS libs, use <datalist>
codepen.io/joewalnes/pen/… http://t.…
@LANDEYves bah c’était drôle, fallait pas le supprimer celui-là :)
RT @HackerNewsOnion: Area Barista Not Impressed by Apple Pay Integration #wwdc pic.twitter.com/G4eJ2hMXcR
@hellfestopenair Bien reçu ma cashless… mais pas compris comment on rentre quoi dans l’appli Hellfest pour payer depuis le mobile :) Help!
@belakorband word is there’s a third track on the wild ?? where?!
If you’re into PHP, you should probably monitor how this kicks off or not: github.com/php-cds/php-cds
Got myself into a walking challenge that uses a pedometer app. AH! Lego Technic to the rescue! youtu.be/Bd3R4spQcPE
To apply for a job as Art Director at Bandcamp, you apparently have to be able to decipher rebus :) bandcamp.com/jobs
How to use @amazinmaps: 1) Follow them, 2) Reverse image search when interesting, 3) Find original sources & credits, 4) Unfollow them
Apparently I widely under estimated the impact Prince had for others. Totally B League in my books tbh…
Fuck Off As A Service, that’s clearly the API everyone needs :) foaas.com
Sysadmin at a hosting provider accidentally `rm -rf /` and deletes all client data, including backup… Oops… serverfault.com/questions/7693…
So, PHP7 has `??` and will soon have `??=` operators. Not confusing at all :)
On one of my WP sites, random Jetpack files go missing every couple weeks, breaking the site. No evidence of site compromised. Any clue?
Héhé,keeping this link in mind, could be handy someday: UTF-8 Encoding Debugging Chart i18nqa.com/debug/utf8-deb…
RT @adamdehaven: I have decided to release the code for ‘ShortTail for YOURLS’ on GitHub under the MIT License @yourls @ozh #yourls https:/…