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Recent tweets « page 9
This is a Ned Flanders themed metal band. Yep, you heard it right. youtube.com/watch?v=WNdluJ…
This past week I’ve been playing Quake like it’s 1999 again! Woohoo o/ OMG I love this game :) pic.twitter.com/KbbnYohJtq
Best site ever of the day: foldnfly.com is a database of paper airplane folding instructions
Just found out that NZ is having a public debate and referendum to change their national flag. Fascinating idea :) flag.govt.nz
Smartest basketball move ever (for realz, ever) i.imgur.com/tRXf4CQ.gifv
@quakelive site down!
Holidays ! pic.twitter.com/rI13DZJSET
Dreamhost’s feature of the month (in their newsletter) is WP-CLI. Awesome? Yes, awesome (pre-installed in all their accounts, more awesome)
It was a good night :-) pic.twitter.com/YftDR5xu5G
Wines for tonight: check pic.twitter.com/uEQb311bNZ
Unlike most online companies (Github, Tumblr, Reddit) Google hasn’t rainbowed their logo, but has this easter egg: google.com/search?q=marri…
This is going too far: 🍀 aka 4 github.com/FourMan/4 is an emoji based programming language
Seen today: Skyforger, Melechesh, Sodom, Motorhead, Lamb of God, Alice Cooper, 5FDP, Children of Bodom, Satyricon, Judas Priest, Slipknot :)
Ready for summer and Hellfest m/ pic.twitter.com/KeJ6jZnb8M
RT @official_php: Twenty years ago today, PHP was released! How time has flown. Here’s to twenty more great years! #20yearsofphp http://t.c…
I don’t use G+ because bleh, but the real motivation in avoiding it is just to see the notification counter grow :) i.imgur.com/FXy1yI3.png
Geekest project of the week-end: Paris metro lines as Git branches graph. github.com/vbarbaresi/Met…
Post support request emails from Dreamhost link to wpbeginner.com/hosting/dreamh… to let you rate them. Huge endorsement! Congrats @wpbeginner :-)
Oscar, my eldest son, is 13 today. How about sending him a happy birthday note on oscar[at]oscar[dot]io? :)