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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 36
Yep Github lag. Four minutes, more or less. Boo.
Is Github lagging? I pushed stuff into the repo but nothing shows on their site…
Hellfest 2014 line up is *insane*. Maiden, Rob Zombie, Slayer, Megadeth, Sepultura… Metal porn, true metal porn. Can’t wait m/
More Markov Chains fun: probabilistic (fake) WordPress tickets planetozh.com/projects/wp-ti… Actually some can be pretty mind-boggling :)
I’ve also played with generating probabilistic WP ticket titles, based on the 26000+ existing tickets, but it’s less conclusive :-Þ
Friday fun: planetozh.com/projects/wp-co… generates fake “Make WordPress Core” agenda entries. Roadmap for the next 80 years, baby!
“Plugin and doc are provided as is free of charge. If you need help, I’ll happily provide a quote for my time” is my new WP support reply.
Their most favorite plugin, installed everywhere, is “Disable Updates” to “Prevents users from updating”. Yeah, sounds like a sane plan.
I’m checking a couple of their sites right now, see if I can update WP or be of any use :)
Basically I’m a “reset my password” click from gaining admin access to all their client sites. Very professional from them.
Just found out a web agency who creates WP sites, using a “random” email for their admin user… which happens to be my own spam email addy.
Bitcoin exchange is nearing 1000 USD. Insane. The 0.06 BTC I own are actually worth something.
Exemple: les billets de @Christophe_Co sont fruitifs. RT @1Jour1Mot: Fruitif (adj.) : Qui apporte la jouissance. Ex.: une union fruitive.
Underwater headphones using bone conduction finisinc.com/eu/equipment/e… Dying to try this but afraid to buy, be disapointed and waste money…
There’s a new YOURLS app for iPhone, by @adamdehaven : ShortTail on.adamdehaven.com/ShortTail
RT @joetek: RIP Winamp :( Winamp will be shutting down on Dec 20. Better grab the latest version before then. j0e.co/1ik
1 year ago I declined a $60 payment via Bitcoin and asked Paypal, because I didn’t understand BTC. 5 BTC at that time. Now worth $2950. Meh.
RT @Rarst: Awesome PHP Libraries and Resources gist.github.com/ziadoz/1677679 gets better every time I look
Linking Github issues in another issue = neat. Just type # and then some words, eg “#sqlin” to search for issues about for “sql injections”
Best tweet evar. RT @milos_matic: Rammstein style coding :-) pic.twitter.com/Lb648W5bL5