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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 35
Best way to keep me from reading an article: use the words “incredibly useful” somewhere in the intro.
On top of being funny, it’s probably a perfect deterrent for people how don’t RTFM (ie read the README or the CONTRIBUTING) #previoustweet
I dig github-gmail’s issue policy: “Open an issue with some emojis. Issues without emojis are not valid.” github.com/muan/github-gm…
My US dialect map: nyti.ms/JYEnMs I guess this shows this is not my mother tongue :)
It needs to be colder, way colder. I have awesome wool gear to wear. Drop the °C and let it snow! m/ pic.twitter.com/3mS6w8u6iP
RT @cfurmaniak: @ozh not exactly in the same field, but Hurling is also a kind of badass sport ow.ly/rWZzl
I xmas like a boss: all my presents are ready, wrapped, labelled and listed. Because, organization, bitches. pic.twitter.com/IZUktaxpJC
Sepak takraw, or “kick volleyball” : most badass sport ever, seriously. youtube.com/watch?v=TsCWr1…
All the ebooks on PacktPub are $5 (or less) during holidays packtpub.com/ebookbonanza
(I’m checking Mint.com but it seems to be US or Canada only…)
The wife wants money/expense tracking stuff. Anyone has a neat something-like-MS-Money-or-Quicken-but-100%-online-and-free to recommend?
Check out 300+ Free Responsive web Templates and Mobile web templates at bsa.ly/1eti @w3layouts *ad pic.twitter.com/g7guvuDIHb
‘git rebase’ vs ‘git merge’ explained like I’m 5: stackoverflow.com/a/804156/36850
Hey, good news: my popular plugin Admin Drop Down Menu works like a charm with WP 3.8 :) ozh.in/kl
OMG m/ Christmas lights + Slayer = THE AWESOME loudwire.com/slayer-christm…
RT @realFATmedia: This is pretty sweet: htaccess to nginx rewrite converter – winginx.com/htaccess
Just got an email from Digg titled “This Is Not An Email From 2006”. Ironically, this shows they do know that they belong to 2006.
Star Wars + Calvin & Hobbes mashup. How could you not love that. teefury.com/gallery/2747/T…
Quick, you’re still on time for Christmas for some cool geek Git gear redbubble.com/people/ozhy/co…
A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things github.com/ziadoz/awesome…