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- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 34
HackerNews have been down for 48 hours or so. I wonder if productivity has been up amongst nerds, lately.
“Welcome to Support Chat. For validation purposes I need the last 4 of your password” Hmm.. Is that possible without storing in plain text?
Help! Someone is trying to convince me to switch from using tab to using 4 spaces in code! :-) #habitsdamnit
Does anyone know about a web host that does not support PHP5.3+ ?
I’ve just mapped my CapsLock key to the $ sign. Getting slowly used to it. Should have done this YEARS before.
YOURLS is now labelled “1.7-RC1”, running smooth on yourls.org. Try it now!
RT @xuhulk: The website for csvconf.com (which is, yes, a conference about CSVs) IS INCREDIBLE.
Avatars in circle shapes were cool in 2013 but, come on, this is 2014 already.
@Dropbox I’d happily click the “Follow us and get 125MB” button if it didn’t state it needs permission to SEND tweets. Same goes for FB…
Music of @JamesBlunt is definitely not my style but the dude knows how to have fun with Twitter :) thepoke.co.uk/2013/12/31/26-…
Home, no wife, no kids, working on YOURLS with a camembert baguette sandwich and a glass of St Estèphe. Life is good :)
We’re at the 1,000 commits mark on github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS. Thanks to all users reporting bugs and contributors helping fix them!
Just found out that @smashingmag uses YOURLS for their own URL shortener. This makes my day :-)
If you sometimes read forums, tumblrs or anywhere full of annoying animated gifs, this is the bomb: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/…
Simple web tool to find a Twitter (or Flickr) user id from their username: idfromuser.com
Dudes, I think YOURLS 1.7 is near.
That feeling when your 50 GB of 16000 photos from 4 different cameras are sorted, timestamped, archived and backed up.
Everytime I use a tricky git command, I’m kind of disappointed when I get it right and yet no cheerful crowd come to me
PHP5 Objects Passed By Reference For Dummies gist.github.com/ozh/8125334
Any WordPress / PHP genius can explain me that line please core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/… “$value = clone $value” : but… why?