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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 31
RT @IFLScience: Seriously. If you have a pizza with radius “z” and thickness “a”, its volume is Pi(z*z)a. pic.twitter.com/v5rcMmZCTr
*ffs* *die* YouTube in-video ads *suck* *die*
Koding is giving away 4GB VMs – Sign with me and get a 5GB VM! koding.com/R/ozhy (site quite overloaded atm)
youmightnotneedjquery.com is a nice reminder of vanilla JS tips & tricks (but jQuery rocks anyway)
9 years and 26,000 tickets ago, on a Trac not that far away… i.imgur.com/sqjwZ9K.png Time flies!!
Using Notepad++ and a light theme? Check github.com/ozh/slush-popp…
I see a lot of you who have not updated to the latest YOURLS yet. Let me reiterate: *cough*OMGSQLINJECTION*cough*
I’m *this* close to switch from Notepad++ to SublimeText. If only I could find a way to sort the “Crtl-R” palette output (function list)
@rmccue any chance we’ll have a tag for Requests? Or are you waiting for a few other commits before releasing 1.7?
Useful URL of the day: google.com/blank.html (for HTTP request tests and stuff like that)
I heard they might be recruiting a couple folks… i.imgur.com/jR37AlV.png
@daveyuke t’as un virus dude, tu m’envoies toutes les 3 heures des direct messages incohérent avec des URL qui n’existent pas
Some replies to my joke tweet about my sites getting hacked and my getting update emails are… unexpected, to say the least :) #clueless
I think all my WordPress sites have been hacked: I’m getting reports that they’ve been upgraded, yet I didn’t do anything myself. Halp.
Just found out wpn-xm.org, a web server stack for Windows. Comes with nginx & MariaDB instead of Apache & MySQL Anyone tried?
I have to open a ticket to WordPress’ trac, just to check what badge I’ll have.
Why WordPress should drop PHP 5.2 ozh.in/x2
I may run a YOURLS newsletter in the future. If that’s something that would interest you: yourls.org/newsletter — please RT!
@ModernTribeInc (psst… YOURLS 1.7 has been released… you can update from your 1.7-alpha ;)
RT @ModernTribeInc: After 7 years, we finally found the best line of code in the entire WordPress codebase.
wp-login.php. Line 796: