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- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 30
@wordpress_fr je travaille pour une fois avec un WP francisé, j’avoue que le “Développeur cœur” dans les crédits me laisse septique… :)
Hard to tell if I’m visiting a Twitter profile or a Tumblr list of quotes. I don’t like it.
Rhooooa, #newtwitter, my profile looks like crap now. But still looks the same to many users. Dumb design decisions, Twitter.
@gabrielmoreno I guess where you found it there’s a download link or a readme
Best SublimeText extension around: GitGutter.
@Orteil42 cookieclicker needs a mirror. Your site is blocked at work :)
github.com/cfenollosa/bas… is a CMS written… in bash. I have to try this.
Giving Trello a try. Maybe getting used to it ends up making sense, but, djeezuss, what a mess that interface is at first glance.
Took me 5 minutes to realize my script breaks because I’m using $shit instead of $this. Meh. Derp.
I hope Travis-CI has a lot of paying companies as customers to make them profitable. I love their free for open source plan and service.
@FreeWear a bit disappointed with my tshirt received today: size is L as expected, though a bit large, but neck hole is like XL or XXL
I proposed 6 pull requests on @github this week. I think I deserve a badge or something, right? RIGHT? :)
@rmccue any chance you’ll review my latest PR on Requests soon?
I was reluctant to watch Kick Ass 2 (I thought the first movie was awesome) but I finally did. Verdict: awesom.
RT @MiloNemilo: PHP static surprise 3v4l.org/2fXFj
Basecamp’s story and refocusing is exciting but, please, hire a decent cartoonist.
Is anyone using YOURLS 1.7+ and connects to MySQL using sockets? I’d need some feedback on that
@nacin @Otto42 @dd32 Quick question: why is api․wordpress․org not always polled over https? core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/… Performance reason?
The more I work with PHP PDO, the more I dislike it.
Nothing’s like the command console or the color picker in Windows to get a nice reminder of how awesome were the nineties.