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- ozh.richard
- Nantes, FR
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Recent tweets « page 32
@OFFICIALSTIG you have to RT my son because he’s also representing ST ! pic.twitter.com/3mS6w8u6iP :-Þ m/
Good to know: you can prefill Github issues with a template, using some query args, eg github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/…
21st january 2014: during their breakfast, kids discover epic metal band Sabaton. Their lives will never be the same. youtube.com/watch?v=QZm4zs…
BTW, ozh.github.io/ascii-tables/ is a perfect example of today’s XKCD. I had to draw ONE mysql table ; still not drawn, but hey, I’m having fun!
ozh.github.io/ascii-tables/ Quickly draw tables in ASCII (mysql style) or unicode (╠══╣) or Github markdown. Great for your source code comments!
Ordering some stuff from @vistaprint. Step 1: upload design. Step 2: Click “Order”. Step 3 to 51: Click “No thanks, I don’t want this also”
My list of favorite tweets is hilarious. Ergo, @markjaquith and @boone are hilarious, since they appear in like 30% of that list.
Cool slides from WC Paris: History of WordPress by @markoheijnen slideshare.net/markoheijnen/t… Nice for those of you who missed WP’s first years
Mailchimp interface = maximum sweetness. Giving it a try and I completely love it.
In YOURLS config, you can read: “Change this setting to localize YOURLS”. Result: 2% of users edit: define(‘YOURLS_LANG’, ‘localize’). Sigh.
@luixxiul01 Sure. Anything from YOURLS is under the same “do whatever you want” license. github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/…
I wish the blame function of Github was as efficient as Trac’s. Navigate through commits & diffs of a file = super neat
YOURLS 1.7 and social bookmarklets yourls.org/d1
Just received a thank you email from a spammer because my sarcastic & scornful reply to his spam actually helped him. I suck at sarcasm :(
Does anyone have some connections with Hostgator? Trying to set up a simple partnership with them & YOURLS.
YOURLS 1.7 and automatically encrypted passwords yourls.org/d0
Later today, don’t miss another post on blog.yourls.org highlighting another new feature of YOURLS 1.7. And did you update already?
This day shall not end without me writing some program in Omgrofl.
There’s a prog language named “Omgrofl”. Syntax is, as expected, omgrofl. Way funnier than ‘space’ or ‘brainfuck’. esolangs.org/wiki/Omgrofl